Hi Dan,

All performers are unlocked and playable from the beginning of the
game. Like Piledriver you will be able to select any performer you
want to play and wrestle any other performer in the game's database.
The only acception to that rule is female performers can only wrestle
female performers and male performers can only wrestle male
performers. Otherwise if you want to have say Steve Austin wrestle
Edge go ahead. There is no restrictions on who you can select and play
per match.


On 3/4/13, dan cook <dan.sc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was going to suggest something like ddt, but that'd be too obvious
> and similar i guess to piledriver.  Guess I just like the name of that
> move. :D
> I'm loving the sound of this Tom, particularly because the WWE games
> are becoming somewhat less playable again.
> my question is, will all wrestlers be unlocked at the start or will
> you be able to unlock some of the ones such as stone cold, undertaker,
> other legendary ones etc by completing say...the rise of a current
> superstar? somewhat like beating a boss and unlocking them after.
> I just thought it'd give more replay value to something which i'm sure
> i'll spend many hours playing with anyway since i cant get piledriver
> to work anymore for one thing.

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