Comment #8 on issue 236 by Use RSA keys instead of DSA

3. Have a cluster level parameter that tells ganeti to use rsa or dsa (and can only have those two values)

If you are going to do the work to resolve this, then you should take care to make this flexible for the future. Having hard-coded values for crypto primitives makes it very difficult to maneuver out from under those that become problematic. Crypto primitive flexibility is critical - if an exploit is found for something that has been hard-coded, and there is no easy way for a user of the software to configure something different, then the user has to wait an indeterminate amount of time for the code to be updated, which is always a slower process than changing configuration values.

As a further reason for doing this: many people are moving away even from RSA keys now, for example towards ed25519 keys. If you are doing the work to support RSA keys, then do the work to support *any* key type in an easy way!

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