commit 2df3a2c59dc677a4a2dbe7a9f6666ae2e6341d1d
Merge: 2ebf4e8 598897c
Author: Helga Velroyen <>
Date:   Fri Nov 20 11:34:44 2015 +0100

    Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16

    * stable-2.15
      Document the decission why optimisation is turned off
      Don't keep input for error messages
      Use dict.copy instead of deepcopy
      Use bulk-adding of keys in renew-crypto
      Make NodeSshKeyAdd use its *Bulk companion
      Unit test bulk-adding normal nodes
      Unit test for bulk-adding pot. master candidates
      Introduce bulk-adding of SSH keys
      Pause watcher during performance QA
      Send answers strictly
      Store keys as ByteStrings
      Encode UUIDs as ByteStrings
      Prefer the UuidObject type class over specific functions
      Assign the variables before use (bugfix for dee6adb9)
      Extend QA to detect autopromotion errors
      Handle SSH key distribution on auto promotion
      Do not remove authorized key of node itself
      Fix indentation
      Support force option for deactivate disks on RAPI

    * stable-2.14
      Fix faulty iallocator type check
      Improve cfgupgrade output in case of errors

    * stable-2.13
      Extend timeout for gnt-cluster renew-crypto
      Reduce flakyness of GetCmdline test on slow machines
      Remove duplicated words

    * stable-2.12
      Revert "Also consider connection time out a network error"
      Clone lists before modifying
      Make lockConfig call retryable
      Return the correct error code in the post-upgrade script
      Make openssl refrain from DH altogether
      Fix upgrades of instances with missing creation time

    * stable-2.11

    * stable-2.10
      Remove -X from hspace man page
      Make htools tolerate missing "dtotal" and "dfree" on luxi


        use bulk-adding keys with renamed public key file variable
        use self.cfg.RemoveNode rather than self.context.RemoveNode
        fix imports
        add UTF8.{to,from}String at appropriate places

    Signed-off-by: Helga Velroyen <>

diff --cc lib/
index 7ebbdb9,d470060..6c51df8
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@@ -2002,21 -2073,24 +2080,23 @@@ def RenewSshKeys(node_uuids, node_names
                                    " (UUID %s)" % (node_name, node_uuid))

      if potential_master_candidate:
 -      ssh.RemovePublicKey(node_uuid, key_file=pub_key_file)
 -      ssh.AddPublicKey(node_uuid, pub_key, key_file=pub_key_file)
 +      ssh.RemovePublicKey(node_uuid, key_file=ganeti_pub_keys_file)
 +      ssh.AddPublicKey(node_uuid, pub_key, key_file=ganeti_pub_keys_file)

--    logging.debug("Add ssh key of node '%s'.", node_name)
-     node_errors = AddNodeSshKey(
-         node_uuid, node_name, potential_master_candidates,
-         to_authorized_keys=master_candidate,
-         to_public_keys=potential_master_candidate,
-         get_public_keys=True,
-         pub_key_file=ganeti_pub_keys_file,
-         ssconf_store=ssconf_store,
-         noded_cert_file=noded_cert_file,
-         run_cmd_fn=run_cmd_fn)
-     if node_errors:
-       all_node_errors = all_node_errors + node_errors
+     node_info = SshAddNodeInfo(name=node_name,
+                                uuid=node_uuid,
+                                to_authorized_keys=master_candidate,
+                                to_public_keys=potential_master_candidate,
+                                get_public_keys=True)
+     node_keys_to_add.append(node_info)
+   node_errors = AddNodeSshKeyBulk(
+       node_keys_to_add, potential_master_candidates,
 -      pub_key_file=pub_key_file, ssconf_store=ssconf_store,
++      pub_key_file=ganeti_pub_keys_file, ssconf_store=ssconf_store,
+       noded_cert_file=noded_cert_file,
+       run_cmd_fn=run_cmd_fn)
+   if node_errors:
+     all_node_errors = all_node_errors + node_errors

    # Renewing the master node's key

diff --cc lib/cmdlib/
index 696a331,1d79a3e..638abd7
--- a/lib/cmdlib/
+++ b/lib/cmdlib/
@@@ -485,7 -511,12 +511,11 @@@ def AdjustCandidatePool
      lu.LogInfo("Promoted nodes to master candidate role: %s",
                 utils.CommaJoin( for node in mod_list))
      for node in mod_list:
 -      lu.context.ReaddNode(node)
        AddNodeCertToCandidateCerts(lu, lu.cfg, node.uuid)
+       if modify_ssh_setup:
+         AddMasterCandidateSshKey(
+             lu, master_node, node, potential_master_candidates,
    mc_now, mc_max, _ = lu.cfg.GetMasterCandidateStats(exceptions)
    if mc_now > mc_max:
      lu.LogInfo("Note: more nodes are candidates (%d) than desired (%d)" %
diff --cc lib/cmdlib/
index 111de97,c0eccce..210fd97
--- a/lib/cmdlib/
+++ b/lib/cmdlib/
@@@ -857,10 -868,9 +862,8 @@@ class LUNodeSetParams(LogicalUnit)
      # this will trigger job queue propagation or cleanup if the mc
      # flag changed
      if [self.old_role, self.new_role].count(self._ROLE_CANDIDATE) == 1:
 -      self.context.ReaddNode(node)

-       if self.cfg.GetClusterInfo().modify_ssh_setup:
-         potential_master_candidates =
-         master_node = self.cfg.GetMasterNode()
+       if modify_ssh_setup:
          if self.old_role == self._ROLE_CANDIDATE:
            master_candidate_uuids = self.cfg.GetMasterCandidateUuids()
            ssh_result = self.rpc.call_node_ssh_key_remove(
@@@ -1586,8 -1588,10 +1581,10 @@@ class LUNodeRemove(LogicalUnit)
        WarnAboutFailedSshUpdates(result, master_node, feedback_fn)

      # Promote nodes to master candidate as needed
-     AdjustCandidatePool(self, [self.node.uuid])
+     AdjustCandidatePool(
+         self, [self.node.uuid], master_node, potential_master_candidates,
+         feedback_fn, modify_ssh_setup)
 -    self.context.RemoveNode(self.cfg, self.node)
 +    self.cfg.RemoveNode(self.node.uuid)

      # Run post hooks on the node before it's removed
diff --cc src/Ganeti/Objects/Disk.hs
index 18ae20a,0a2e6db..ca939d1
--- a/src/Ganeti/Objects/Disk.hs
+++ b/src/Ganeti/Objects/Disk.hs
@@@ -256,16 -257,9 +257,16 @@@ $(buildObjectWithForthcoming "Disk" "di
    ++ serialFields
    ++ timeStampFields)

 +instance TimeStampObject Disk where
 +  cTimeOf = diskCtime
 +  mTimeOf = diskMtime
  instance UuidObject Disk where
-   uuidOf = diskUuid
+   uuidOf = UTF8.toString . diskUuid

 +instance SerialNoObject Disk where
 +  serialOf = diskSerial
  instance ForthcomingObject Disk where
    isForthcoming = diskForthcoming

diff --cc src/Ganeti/WConfd/ConfigModifications.hs
index f724c2e,b0a425b..b673a66
--- a/src/Ganeti/WConfd/ConfigModifications.hs
+++ b/src/Ganeti/WConfd/ConfigModifications.hs
@@@ -39,366 -39,21 +39,367 @@@ SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIB

  module Ganeti.WConfd.ConfigModifications where

 +import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
 +import Control.Lens (_2)
 +import Control.Lens.Getter ((^.))
 +import Control.Lens.Setter ((.~), (%~))
+ import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
 -import Control.Lens.Setter ((.~))
  import Control.Lens.Traversal (mapMOf)
 -import Data.Maybe (isJust)
 +import Control.Monad (unless, when, forM_, foldM, liftM2)
 +import Control.Monad.Error (throwError, MonadError)
 +import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
 +import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, get, put, modify,
 +                                  runStateT, execStateT)
 +import Data.Foldable (fold, foldMap)
 +import Data.List (elemIndex)
 +import Data.Maybe (isJust, maybeToList, fromMaybe, fromJust)
  import Language.Haskell.TH (Name)
 +import System.Time (getClockTime, ClockTime)
 +import Text.Printf (printf)
 +import qualified Data.Map as M
 +import qualified Data.Set as S

 -import Ganeti.JSON (alterContainerL)
 +import Ganeti.BasicTypes (GenericResult(..), genericResult, toError)
 +import Ganeti.Constants (lastDrbdPort)
 +import Ganeti.Errors (GanetiException(..))
 +import Ganeti.JSON (Container, GenericContainer(..), alterContainerL
 +                   , lookupContainer, MaybeForJSON(..),
  import Ganeti.Locking.Locks (ClientId, ciIdentifier)
 -import Ganeti.Logging.Lifted (logDebug)
 +import Ganeti.Logging.Lifted (logDebug, logInfo)
  import Ganeti.Objects
  import Ganeti.Objects.Lens
 -import Ganeti.WConfd.ConfigState (csConfigDataL)
 -import Ganeti.WConfd.Monad (WConfdMonad, modifyConfigWithLock)
 +import Ganeti.Types (AdminState, AdminStateSource)
 +import Ganeti.WConfd.ConfigState (ConfigState, csConfigData,
 +import Ganeti.WConfd.Monad (WConfdMonad, modifyConfigWithLock
 +                           , modifyConfigAndReturnWithLock)
  import qualified Ganeti.WConfd.TempRes as T

 +type DiskUUID = String
 +type InstanceUUID = String
 +type NodeUUID = String
 +-- * accessor functions
 +getInstanceByUUID :: ConfigState
 +                  -> InstanceUUID
 +                  -> GenericResult GanetiException Instance
 +getInstanceByUUID cs uuid = lookupContainer
 +  (Bad . ConfigurationError $
 +    printf "Could not find instance with UUID %s" uuid)
 +  uuid
 +  (configInstances . csConfigData $ cs)
 +-- * getters
 +-- | Gets all logical volumes in the cluster
 +getAllLVs :: ConfigState -> S.Set String
 +getAllLVs = S.fromList . concatMap getLVsOfDisk . M.elems
 +          . fromContainer . configDisks  . csConfigData
 +  where convert (LogicalVolume lvG lvV) = lvG ++ "/" ++ lvV
 +        getDiskLV :: Disk -> Maybe String
 +        getDiskLV disk = case diskLogicalId disk of
 +          Just (LIDPlain lv) -> Just (convert lv)
 +          _ -> Nothing
 +        getLVsOfDisk :: Disk -> [String]
 +        getLVsOfDisk disk = maybeToList (getDiskLV disk)
 +                          ++ concatMap getLVsOfDisk (diskChildren disk)
 +-- | Gets the ids of nodes, instances, node groups,
 +--   networks, disks, nics, and the custer itself.
 +getAllIDs :: ConfigState -> S.Set String
 +getAllIDs cs =
 +  let lvs = getAllLVs cs
 +      keysFromC :: GenericContainer a b -> [a]
 +      keysFromC = M.keys . fromContainer
 +      valuesFromC :: GenericContainer a b -> [b]
 +      valuesFromC = M.elems . fromContainer
 +      instKeys = keysFromC . configInstances . csConfigData $ cs
 +      nodeKeys = keysFromC . configNodes . csConfigData $ cs
 +      instValues = map uuidOf . valuesFromC
 +                 . configInstances . csConfigData $ cs
 +      nodeValues = map uuidOf . valuesFromC . configNodes . csConfigData
$ cs
 +      nodeGroupValues = map uuidOf . valuesFromC
 +                      . configNodegroups . csConfigData $ cs
 +      networkValues = map uuidOf . valuesFromC
 +                    . configNetworks . csConfigData $ cs
 +      disksValues = map uuidOf . valuesFromC . configDisks . csConfigData
$ cs
 +      nics = map nicUuid . concatMap instNics
 +           . valuesFromC . configInstances . csConfigData $ cs
 +      cluster = uuidOf . configCluster . csConfigData $ cs
 +  in S.union lvs . S.fromList $ instKeys ++ nodeKeys ++ instValues ++
 +         ++ nodeGroupValues ++ networkValues ++ disksValues ++ nics ++
 +getAllMACs :: ConfigState -> S.Set String
 +getAllMACs = S.fromList . map nicMac . concatMap instNics . M.elems
 +           . fromContainer . configInstances . csConfigData
 +-- | Checks if the two objects are equal,
 +-- excluding timestamps. The serial number of
 +-- current must be one greater than that of target.
 +-- If this is true, it implies that the update RPC
 +-- updated the config, but did not successfully return.
 +isIdentical :: (Eq a, SerialNoObjectL a, TimeStampObjectL a)
 +            => ClockTime
 +            -> a
 +            -> a
 +            -> Bool
 +isIdentical now target current = (mTimeL .~ now $ current) ==
 +  ((serialL %~ (+1)) . (mTimeL .~ now) $ target)
 +-- | Checks if the two objects given have the same serial number
 +checkSerial :: SerialNoObject a => a -> a -> GenericResult
GanetiException ()
 +checkSerial target current = if serialOf target == serialOf current
 +  then Ok ()
 +  else Bad . ConfigurationError $ printf
 +    "Configuration object updated since it has been read: %d != %d"
 +    (serialOf current) (serialOf target)
 +-- | Updates an object present in a container.
 +-- The presence of the object in the container
 +-- is determined by the uuid of the object.
 +-- A check that serial number of the
 +-- object is consistent with the serial number
 +-- of the object in the container is performed.
 +-- If the check passes, the object's serial number
 +-- is incremented, and modification time is updated,
 +-- and then is inserted into the container.
 +replaceIn :: (UuidObject a, TimeStampObjectL a, SerialNoObjectL a)
 +          => ClockTime
 +          -> a
 +          -> Container a
 +          -> GenericResult GanetiException (Container a)
 +replaceIn now target = alterContainerL (uuidOf target) extract
 +  where extract Nothing = Bad $ ConfigurationError
 +          "Configuration object unknown"
 +        extract (Just current) = do
 +          checkSerial target current
 +          return . Just . (serialL %~ (+1)) . (mTimeL .~ now) $ target
 +-- | Utility fuction that combines the two
 +-- possible actions that could be taken when
 +-- given a target.
 +-- If the target is identical to the current
 +-- value, we return the modification time of
 +-- the current value, and not change the config.
 +-- If not, we update the config.
 +updateConfigIfNecessary :: (Monad m, MonadError GanetiException m, Eq a,
 +                            UuidObject a, SerialNoObjectL a,
TimeStampObjectL a)
 +                        => ClockTime
 +                        -> a
 +                        -> (ConfigState -> Container a)
 +                        -> (ConfigState
 +                           -> m ((Int, ClockTime), ConfigState))
 +                        -> ConfigState
 +                        -> m ((Int, ClockTime), ConfigState)
 +updateConfigIfNecessary now target getContainer f cs = do
 +  let container = getContainer cs
 +  current <- lookupContainer (toError . Bad . ConfigurationError $
 +    "Configuraton object unknown")
 +    (uuidOf target)
 +    container
 +  if isIdentical now target current
 +    then return ((serialOf current, mTimeOf current), cs)
 +    else f cs
 +-- * UUID config checks
 +-- | Checks if the config has the given UUID
 +checkUUIDpresent :: UuidObject a
 +                 => ConfigState
 +                 -> a
 +                 -> Bool
 +checkUUIDpresent cs a = uuidOf a `S.member` getAllIDs cs
 +-- | Checks if the given UUID is new (i.e., no in the config)
 +checkUniqueUUID :: UuidObject a
 +                => ConfigState
 +                -> a
 +                -> Bool
 +checkUniqueUUID cs a = not $ checkUUIDpresent cs a
 +-- * RPC checks
 +-- | Verifications done before adding an instance.
 +-- Currently confirms that the instance's macs are not
 +-- in use, and that the instance's UUID being
 +-- present (or not present) in the config based on
 +-- weather the instance is being replaced (or not).
 +-- TODO: add more verifications to this call;
 +-- the client should have a lock on the name of the instance.
 +addInstanceChecks :: Instance
 +                  -> Bool
 +                  -> ConfigState
 +                  -> GenericResult GanetiException ()
 +addInstanceChecks inst replace cs = do
 +  let macsInUse = S.fromList (map nicMac (instNics inst))
 +                  `S.intersection` getAllMACs cs
 +  unless (S.null macsInUse) . Bad . ConfigurationError $ printf
 +    "Cannot add instance %s; MAC addresses %s already in use"
 +    (show $ instName inst) (show macsInUse)
 +  if replace
 +    then do
 +      let check = checkUUIDpresent cs inst
 +      unless check . Bad . ConfigurationError $ printf
 +             "Cannot add %s: UUID %s already in use"
 +             (show $ instName inst) (instUuid inst)
 +    else do
 +      let check = checkUniqueUUID cs inst
 +      unless check . Bad . ConfigurationError $ printf
 +             "Cannot replace %s: UUID %s not present"
 +             (show $ instName inst) (instUuid inst)
 +addDiskChecks :: Disk
 +              -> Bool
 +              -> ConfigState
 +              -> GenericResult GanetiException ()
 +addDiskChecks disk replace cs =
 +  if replace
 +    then
 +      unless (checkUUIDpresent cs disk) . Bad . ConfigurationError $
 +             "Cannot add %s: UUID %s already in use"
 +             (show $ diskName disk) (diskUuid disk)
 +    else
 +      unless (checkUniqueUUID cs disk) . Bad . ConfigurationError $ printf
 +             "Cannot replace %s: UUID %s not present"
 +             (show $ diskName disk) (diskUuid disk)
 +attachInstanceDiskChecks :: InstanceUUID
 +                         -> DiskUUID
 +                         -> MaybeForJSON Int
 +                         -> ConfigState
 +                         -> GenericResult GanetiException ()
 +attachInstanceDiskChecks uuidInst uuidDisk idx' cs = do
 +  let diskPresent = elem uuidDisk . map diskUuid . M.elems
 +                  . fromContainer . configDisks . csConfigData $ cs
 +  unless diskPresent . Bad . ConfigurationError $ printf
 +    "Disk %s doesn't exist" uuidDisk
 +  inst <- getInstanceByUUID cs uuidInst
 +  let numDisks = length $ instDisks inst
 +      idx = fromMaybe numDisks (unMaybeForJSON idx')
 +  when (idx < 0) . Bad . GenericError $
 +    "Not accepting negative indices"
 +  when (idx > numDisks) . Bad . GenericError $ printf
 +    "Got disk index %d, but there are only %d" idx numDisks
 +  let insts = M.elems . fromContainer . configInstances . csConfigData $
 +  forM_ insts (\inst' -> when (uuidDisk `elem` instDisks inst') . Bad
 +    . ReservationError $ printf "Disk %s already attached to instance %s"
 +        uuidDisk (show $ instName inst))
 +-- * Pure config modifications functions
 +attachInstanceDisk' :: InstanceUUID
 +                    -> DiskUUID
 +                    -> MaybeForJSON Int
 +                    -> ClockTime
 +                    -> ConfigState
 +                    -> ConfigState
 +attachInstanceDisk' iUuid dUuid idx' ct cs =
 +  let inst = genericResult (error "impossible") id (getInstanceByUUID cs
 +      numDisks = length $ instDisks inst
 +      idx = fromMaybe numDisks (unMaybeForJSON idx')
 +      insert = instDisksL %~ (\ds -> take idx ds ++ [dUuid] ++ drop idx
 +      incr = instSerialL %~ (+ 1)
 +      time = instMtimeL .~ ct
 +      inst' = time . incr . insert $ inst
 +      disks = updateIvNames idx inst' (configDisks . csConfigData $ cs)
 +      ri = csConfigDataL . configInstancesL
 +         . alterContainerL iUuid .~ Just inst'
 +      rds = csConfigDataL . configDisksL .~ disks
 +  in rds . ri $ cs
 +    where updateIvNames :: Int -> Instance -> Container Disk -> Container
 +          updateIvNames idx inst (GenericContainer m) =
 +            let dUuids = drop idx (instDisks inst)
 +                upgradeIv m' (idx'', dUuid') =
 +                  M.adjust (diskIvNameL .~ "disk/" ++ show idx'') dUuid'
 +            in GenericContainer $ foldl upgradeIv m (zip [idx..] dUuids)
 +-- * Monadic config modification functions which can return errors
 +detachInstanceDisk' :: MonadError GanetiException m
 +                    => InstanceUUID
 +                    -> DiskUUID
 +                    -> ClockTime
 +                    -> ConfigState
 +                    -> m ConfigState
 +detachInstanceDisk' iUuid dUuid ct cs =
 +  let resetIv :: MonadError GanetiException m
 +              => Int
 +              -> [DiskUUID]
 +              -> ConfigState
 +              -> m ConfigState
 +      resetIv startIdx disks = mapMOf (csConfigDataL . configDisksL)
 +        (\cd -> foldM (\c (idx, dUuid') -> mapMOf (alterContainerL dUuid')
 +          (\md -> case md of
 +            Nothing -> throwError . ConfigurationError $
 +              printf "Could not find disk with UUID %s" dUuid'
 +            Just disk -> return
 +                       . Just
 +                       . (diskIvNameL .~ ("disk/" ++ show idx))
 +                       $ disk) c)
 +          cd (zip [startIdx..] disks))
 +      iL = csConfigDataL . configInstancesL . alterContainerL iUuid
 +  in case cs ^. iL of
 +    Nothing -> throwError . ConfigurationError $
 +      printf "Could not find instance with UUID %s" iUuid
 +    Just ist -> case elemIndex dUuid (instDisks ist) of
 +      Nothing -> return cs
 +      Just idx ->
 +        let ist' = (instDisksL %~ filter (/= dUuid))
 +                 . (instSerialL %~ (+1))
 +                 . (instMtimeL .~ ct)
 +                 $ ist
 +            cs' = iL .~ Just ist' $ cs
 +            dks = drop (idx + 1) (instDisks ist)
 +        in resetIv idx dks cs'
 +removeInstanceDisk' :: MonadError GanetiException m
 +                    => InstanceUUID
 +                    -> DiskUUID
 +                    -> ClockTime
 +                    -> ConfigState
 +                    -> m ConfigState
 +removeInstanceDisk' iUuid dUuid ct =
 +  let f cs
 +        | elem dUuid
 +          . fold
 +          . fmap instDisks
 +          . configInstances
 +          . csConfigData
 +          $ cs
 +        = throwError . ProgrammerError $
 +        printf "Cannot remove disk %s. Disk is attached to an instance"
 +        | elem dUuid
 +          . foldMap (:[])
 +          . fmap diskUuid
 +          . configDisks
 +          . csConfigData
 +          $ cs
 +        = return
 +         . ((csConfigDataL . configDisksL . alterContainerL dUuid) .~
 +         . ((csConfigDataL . configClusterL . clusterSerialL) %~ (+1))
 +         . ((csConfigDataL . configClusterL . clusterMtimeL) .~ ct)
 +         $ cs
 +        | otherwise = return cs
 +  in (f =<<) . detachInstanceDisk' iUuid dUuid ct
 +-- * RPCs

  -- | Add a new instance to the configuration, release DRBD minors,
  -- and commit temporary IPs, all while temporarily holding the config
@@@ -410,16 -68,13 +411,17 @@@ addInstance inst cid replace = d
    logDebug $ "AddInstance: client " ++ show (ciIdentifier cid)
               ++ " adding instance " ++ uuidOf inst
               ++ " with name " ++ show (instName inst)
 -  let addInst = csConfigDataL . configInstancesL
 -                . alterContainerL (UTF8.fromString $ uuidOf inst)
 -                  .~ Just inst
 +  let setCtime = instCtimeL .~ ct
 +      setMtime = instMtimeL .~ ct
-       addInst i = csConfigDataL . configInstancesL . alterContainerL
(uuidOf i)
-                   .~ Just i
++      addInst i = csConfigDataL . configInstancesL
++                  . alterContainerL (UTF8.fromString $ uuidOf inst)
++                    .~ Just i
        commitRes tr = mapMOf csConfigDataL $ T.commitReservedIps cid tr
    r <- modifyConfigWithLock
 -         (\tr cs -> commitRes tr $ addInst  cs)
 +         (\tr cs -> do
 +           toError $ addInstanceChecks inst replace cs
 +           commitRes tr $ addInst (setMtime . setCtime $ inst) cs)
-          . T.releaseDRBDMinors $ uuidOf inst
+          . T.releaseDRBDMinors . UTF8.fromString $ uuidOf inst
    logDebug $ "AddInstance: result of config modification is " ++ show r
    return $ isJust r

diff --cc test/hs/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
index 8f7563b,e2a17a1..90967ce
--- a/test/hs/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
+++ b/test/hs/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
@@@ -373,15 -377,8 +380,15 @@@ instance Arbitrary FilterRule wher
                           <*> arbitrary
                           <*> arbitrary
                           <*> arbitrary
-                          <*> genUUID
+                          <*> fmap UTF8.fromString genUUID

 +instance Arbitrary SshKeyType where
 +  arbitrary = oneof
 +    [ pure RSA
 +    , pure DSA
 +    , pure ECDSA
 +    ]
  -- | Generates a network instance with minimum netmasks of /24. Generating
  -- bigger networks slows down the tests, because long bit strings are
  -- for the reservations.

Helga Velroyen
Software Engineer

Google Germany GmbH
Dienerstraße 12
80331 München

Geschäftsführer: Matthew Scott Sucherman, Paul Terence Manicle
Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg

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