On Thu, Jun 09, 2016 at 11:13:52PM +0200, Iustin Pop wrote:
> From: Iustin Pop <ius...@google.com>
> For some reason, this test doesn't pass on Debian unstable. I don't know if it
> passes on other versions of QuickCheck, but upon investigation, I think it was
> always broken, but the use of stableCover hides it.
> The problem is that the test wants min 4% coverage of the enumerated actions 
> as
> applyingFilter, among which is also Continue. But according to that function's
> code and comments, Continue can never be the result of applyingFilter, which
> means that this test passes randomly only then stableCover generates 2/10 True
> cases (which can happen, since frequency AFAIK doesn't guarantee absolute
> numbers); this makes the test pass as our required percent is very low (2/10 >
> 1.3/10 which is what we require). Removing the 'stableCover' call and using
> instead 'cover' shows correctly that Cover is generated in 0% of cases (i.e.
> never). Therefore, let's remove Cover from the list of required actions.
> Additionally, slightly improve the test: instead of using '==>' and discarding
> post-generation the unsuited tests, directly filter them during generation,
> potentially making the test slightly faster.
> Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <ius...@google.com>

LGTM (and today I learned...)


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