Status: New
Owner: ----

New issue 1194 by 'gnt-cluster verify' cannot detect drbd module version such as 8.4.8-1

gnt-cluster (ganeti v2.14.2-177-g003cd9a) 2.15.2

Software version: 2.15.2
Internode protocol: 2150000
Configuration format: 2150000
OS api version: 20
Export interface: 0
VCS version: (ganeti) version v2.14.2-177-g003cd9a

hspace (ganeti) version v2.14.2-177-g003cd9a
compiled with ghc 7.6
running on linux x86_64

Debian Jessie 8.6

ganeti compiled from source

1. Clone drbd git repository and prepare drbd kernel module version 8.4.8-1 source package for Debian 2. Install drbd-source deb package and build drbd module with module-assistant
3. Install prepared drbd module deb package
4. insmod the new drbd module to replace the original one provided with the debian kernel or reboot the node
5. start ganeti services
6. launch 'gnt-cluster verify'

What is the expected output?
You should see no error in report from 'gnt-cluster verify'

What do you see instead?
ERROR: instance instance1: couldn't retrieve status for disk/0 on
instance2: Can't parse DRBD version from 'version: 8.4.8-1

drbd as well as Debian may add '-1' suffixes in the software versions.
So we can have versions such as '8.4.8-1'.
Current regexp rule does not match these versions.

I wonder if it may happen to have something such as '' on debian (as debian may add a '-1' suffix for modules compiled from sources) ?

Suggested solution (thanks to candlerb from ganeti ML) is to modify ./lib/storage/
  _VERSION_RE = re.compile(r"^version: (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?"
                           r" \(api:(\d+)/proto:(\d+)(?:-(\d+))?\)")
  _VERSION_RE = re.compile(r"^version: (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:[.-](\d+))?"
                           r" \(api:(\d+)/proto:(\d+)(?:-(\d+))?\)")

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