I wish I'd gotten around to my hack, Daniel - but you might consider doing it: 
put an option in where gmond doesn't reverse the address at all; it just 
reports the IP in the host field like it does if it can't reverse the address.  
Let gmetad handle the name lookup, if any, and if you have to solve the problem 
there, well, it's only one or two places in your network to worry about reverse 
lookup on - you might even resort to just maintaining /etc/hosts in that case.

Probably a bigger change than you were thinking of, but it seems like we get 
address resolution problems on the user list fairly frequently, and they're 
easier to resolve for one or two boxes than hundreds or thousands.

-- ReC

On 7/21/09 7:42 AM, "Daniel Pocock" <dan...@pocock.com.au> wrote:

I've noticed that if a machine has multiple IP addresses, and they don't
all resolve back to the real hostname, then the metrics in Ganglia's
reports are attributed to the DNS name of the interface rather than the
real hostname of the machine.

I've been experimenting with the use of apr_socket_bind() within
create_net_client() and provided that the gmond receiving the packets
doesn't have some restrictive routing or filtering of source addresses,
this fixes the issue.  I can create a config option to make this
behavior configurable on a site-by-site basis - maybe we can call the
option bind_hostname_only and put it within udp_send_channel?

Does anyone else have any comments on this?  I will probably submit my
patch for this too, but it would be interesting to hear about other
people's experiences before proposing a solution.



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