One problem I've been wondering about recently is the scalability of 

Various events could impact the gmetad server load:

- adding more clusters - in this case, the admin can easily decide to 
add the new cluster on a new gmetad server if the existing server is 

- adding more hosts to an existing cluster - in this case the admin may 
have to move a cluster that is getting too big from one gmetad to 
another.  The RRD files needed to be copied, there may be a gap in the 
monitoring, etc

- adding more metrics on the hosts - similar to the problem above, 
adding more hosts to a cluster

In a particularly large organisation, moving around the RRD files as 
clusters grow could become quite a chore.  Is anyone putting their RRD 
files on shared storage and/or making other arrangements to load balance 
between multiple gmetad servers, either for efficiency or fault tolerance?

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