It's just a python script that reads the xml, parses it, and tallies up 
a few counters.  I'll see about getting it into contrib, but due to 
travel that will probable won't be soon.

On 07/30/2013 09:20 AM, Nikhil wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I agree that we should have some sort of interface unix socket or http to
> expose the metrics of gmetad operations.
> Interesting to know that you have done some work regarding this, curious to
> know the approach you have followed. Could you please elaborate a little
> more on this?
> thanks,
> Nikhil
> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Chris Burroughs
> <>wrote:
>> It's somewhat ironic that gmetad does not emit more metrics about it's
>> operations.  I think the 'right' think long term would be for it to create
>> a unix socket thingy exposing various interesting things, and then a gmond
>> plugin could read that (or you could wrap it in a http server or whatnot).
>> What I've done for now is right a little script that cron runs every
>> minute and calculates a bunch of things that I thought were interesting:
>>   * gmetad_meta.clusters
>>   * gmetad_meta.delayed_metrics
>>   * gmetad_meta.hosts
>>   * gmetad_meta.total_metrics
>>   * gmetad_meta.unique_metric_**names
>>   * gmetad_meta.xml_bytes
>> That doesn't include anything about the rate if incoming metrics or
>> packets though.
>> On 07/26/2013 01:41 PM, Nikhil wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am doing a little exercise on my setup and want to understand how do I
>>> measure the rate of metrics that my gmetad is receiving at each
>>> data_source
>>> level, what is the size of the data incoming and what is the payload
>>> incurred by XDR?
>>> To do this, I thought of making use of rrdcached(which is coupled to use
>>> with gmetad) stats , that is helping me understand the rate of metrics
>>> flow
>>> being received(like overall updates received per sec ) but apparently not
>>> the size of the data. I would like to know this at the data_source level.
>>> Any suggestions on how do I go about it?
>>> I did a simple netcat (nc) on gmond data source' gmond port and directed
>>> output a file and the xml size helps me understand the size of the data at
>>> the data_source level. This is about like 70MB. Given the polling interval
>>> I am using of 30secs, which means every 30secs, I am receiving 70MB of
>>> metric data. But as the deployment grows, the number of nodes and metrics
>>> being dynamic this size can grow and I do not really think of doing nc
>>> myself everytime and figure out the size of the metric data would be good
>>> to say. Can gmetad expose some sort of stats for itself like via a
>>> listening interface in form of json or something like ?
>>> I really think the monitoring system should expose some sort of stats
>>> itself and be transparent about its actions. I think it would be good to
>>> understand the deployment better and think upon improving the
>>> configuration
>>> or code thereafter.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nikhil
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