Vinay bansal wrote:
New to Ganglia. I am trying to understand the Ganglia metrics output.  e.g.
...<METRIC NAME="cpu_nice" VAL="0.0" TYPE="float" UNITS="%" TN="176336" TMAX="90" DMAX="0" SLOPE="both" SOURCE="gmond"/>
Not clear what does the following means
a) TN

Tn   = time now
(which is the number of seconds since the metric was received)

Tmax = the maximum about of time that can pass until we should receive updated info about a metric.

If Tn > Tmax, then we know we missed a metric message.

Dmax  = data max
(which is the maximum about of time the metric will exist before it is marked to be deleted. If 0, then forever)

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   They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
      temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
  --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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