On 08/14/2012 02:00 PM, Douglas Wagner wrote:
> I don't mean to ask stupid questions, maybe I'm not reading you right...
> Are you saying that it's taking 2K ms (20s) between received data sets?
> (i.e. Every 2K ms you see XML data come into your application)? Or that
> it's taking 2K ms between the start of data receipt and end of data
> receipt?  (i.e. It's a 20s wait between the receipt of the first bit of
> data and the last bit of data.)

Sorry, 2000 milliseconds as in 2 seconds.  That's from asking for the
data to receiving all of it.  It does not include waiting between polls.

> Second question, is it polling the UDP data stream from GMOND (port 8649)
> or the TCP data stream/xml from GMETAD (port 8651)? (I assume GMETAD since
> you're suggesting XML data).

XML over TCP (port 8651) from gmeatd.  Equivalently:
$ time nc localhost 8651 > /dev/null

real    0m2.119s
user    0m0.087s
sys     0m1.795s

> Both questions asked, (and again no attempt to suggest you're stupid or
> anything) have you taken into account the amount of time you've set in the
> GMOND poling interval?  Is it possible that the ganglia monitoring daemon
> is only polling data every 15 - 20 seconds and that the time you're seeing
> is mostly "wait time" between data polls?

I'm not sure I'm following how the gmond or gmetad's polling interval
could affect gmetad's ability to serve XML. (I'm measuring time to
respond, not time to update.)  Does gmetad block responses while it's

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