Last night, Google announced the organizations selected to participate
in GSoC 2015.  Unfortunately, Ganglia was not selected this year.

It looks like Google has selected about 50 organizations less than 2014
and they do have a tendency to rotate smaller organizations from year to
year so this is in no way a bad reflection on those who volunteered to
participate as mentors or the achievements from 2014.

Thanks again to all those who have indicated interest in this, including
all the prospective mentors and students.

Many of the other organizations that are participating, particularly the
bigger ones, are always looking for additional mentors, co-mentors and
students so anybody who is interested may want to have a look at the
list of 137 organizations that are participating:

Personally, I'm likely to mentor at least one student under Debian and
students who have contacted us already through the Ganglia mailing list
are quite welcome to email me about opportunities with Debian.

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