How did you install Ganglia Web ?


03/17/2017 u 09:54 AM, BALLAUD Sylvain (Prestataire) je napisao/la:



I have a problem on Ganglia 3.7.2. When I click on the button Inspect, the new window is blank. I see the data on the graph but no data on the Inspect field.


I use firebug to see sometime wrong. On the console errors, I see this when I click on the button Inspect :


TypeError: $.plot is undefined                                                                                       jquery.... > eval (ligne 571, col. 5)

TypeError: s.plot is undefined                                                                                       jquery....8573826 (ligne 1, col. 1240)

TypeError: o.plot is undefined                                                                                       jquery....8573825 (ligne 1, col. 1400)


Maybe a problem with _javascript_. I test on Internet Explorer and Firefox but the window is always blank.


Do you have an issue about that ?


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