Rick and Ken,


I am wearing my Pollyanna orange and blue glasses.  I think Florida will
beat the spread and beat Alabama in the process.  Here is how I think things
will go.  First, we will play five down linemen most of the game doing our
best to shut down their running game.  We will force them to throw.  I look
for our defense to score and be the winning margin.




From: gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of ala...@gatorzone.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 8:44 PM
To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [gatortalk] Technical Talk & Opinions


Ken - this is an enjoyable post and I agree that we have not seen the Gators
play their best game yet.  That is probably a good thing and hopefully we
will see continuous improvement.


You are right that we can't see if the WR's are getting separation on TV,
but I do remember that O Hines was wide open twice when JB sailed it over
his head.  I have also noticed that JB is still throwing it where the
coverage is sometimes and still staring where he is going to throw
sometimes.  I think the game is still a little fast for JB, but once it
slows down, he should be a 70+ percent passer.  I also wonder if the coaches
have not intentionally protected JB from criticism by shifting it to the
WR's a little bit since they knew how difficult replacing a legend was going
to be.  Bottom line, as JB gets more experience and things slow down, he
still can turn into a great QB with his arm and accuracy.


I'm not sure about the chemistry issue you mentioned.  The true freshman
have done what Pouncey asked by shutting their mouths and playing.  I think
the chemistry might be okay, but I'm not sure the leadership is there yet.
My philosphy is that your QB has to be at least one of the main leaders, and
I think JB is not comfortable taking that role because he knows he is still
making execution mistakes.  As he settles in, I think he may take a bigger
leadership role.  


I don't think the problem is the coaches.  I think they are doing a great
job of working with the peices they have and bringing them along as quickly
as possible.  As the game slows for the players, the coaches will open it up
more and more.  


As for bama, I think we have about a 10% chance of winning this meeting
because of the venue.  I was there for the last visit and it was very
painful.  On a true neutral field, I think it would be maybe 40% chance of
winning.  If we are talented and fortunate enough to get a rematch in
Atlanta, I think our chance of winning will be decent.  Not because of it
being a neutral field, because it will always be a bama crowd at the seccg,
but because i believe we have more long term upside than bama.  



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Ken Kirkley <mailto:k...@kirkley.net>  

To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 11:15 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Technical Talk & Opinions


Okay, I don't profess to be a football expert, but I do think I know little
about the game.  Everything below is my opinion only and no matter how I
state anything, nothing is fact, my opinion only!


The Gators are not as bad as they have looked at times and I don't think we
have seen them as good as they can be either.  There have been several
glaring errors - poor snaps, penalties, blown coverages.  And some supposed
errors - wrong people on the field, bad play calls, coaches not seeing the
fake FG and calling TO.


The problem with evaluating this team for me, is that I only get to watch on
TV, so I don't get to see the whole field and make my own determination if
the play calling is effective and/or if the QB read was correct on the play.
Having said that, here is what I have seen:


- Watching on TV which typically shows 10 yards beyond the line of scrimmage
on the main shot, you will usually only see 7 or 8 defensive players.  That
means that the safeties at least are playing very deep and keeping
everything in front of them, the classic Tampa2 defense.  Contrary to what
the spread offense implies, Urban is a very conservative coach, if the D is
keeping you from the deep ball, the reads go to the short crossing routes
where our speedy WRs go against LBs.  This is not flashy and doesn't result
in 2 minute scoring drives, but it is taking what the defense is giving us.
The thing I can't see on TV is are our WRs getting any separation when they
are running off the coverage?  The alternative is to go the Arkansas route,
where the offense is designed to go deep and will try that no matter what,
the result is interceptions when it doesn't work.


- The dive play.  This is really part of the triple option and the reason it
goes up the middle is partly because of the explanation above.  If the D
plays 2 deep safeties and we complete a bunch of crossing patterns, the LBs
will tend to creep back to better cover the crossing play.  When this
happens, if the OL is blocking well, our speedy RB will pop through the hole
and have the opportunity to make a couple of guys miss for a big gain.  So,
we keep running what is seemingly an unsuccessful play over and over, the
whole purpose being to keep the LBs closer to the line so the crossing
routes and wide runs work better.


The biggest issue with this team however is the intangibles.  Identity and
team chemistry, this team is lacking.  As far as team chemistry I can only
guess at the dynamics, but given some of the quoted chatter and rumors that
were swirling, I think there were/are some, dare I say it... entitlement
players on the team.  Guys that thought just because I am here, I should
play.  this goes for both the upperclassmen and freshman.  We have had 5
years of top notch recruiting classes and there are a lot of guys who have
paid their dues and expect to play and there are a lot of newbies that are
great and expect to play.  When you have a guy like Pouncey talking smack
before the season and then going out and having the worst performance by a
Center I have ever seen, it doesn't help matters.


The identity issue is related to the above, but has different issues on
offense and defense.  On offense, we started out trying to run the same
spread we ran for the past 3 years, that won't work because we don't have
#15.  So the coaches have been trying to figure out what we are good at and
create this hybrid spread-pro set offense.  If you are a young player on the
team and you are used to this fast paced high scoring machine, it has to
affect your psyche.  It appears we are finally getting into some type of
rythym, but is still seems choppy.  Q1 against UK was great, Q2 back to the
basics, Q3 much better. We need to find the consistent play and play


On defense the problem is too many good players, a nice problem to have.  We
have so many guys with roughly the same level of experience, we keep
rotating them in and out, but all it takes is for one of them to be playing
on the wrong play that he doesn't know how to cover or against a mismatch
WR.  Cody Riggs, is an awesome special teams player, but got abused in the
KY game.


Last, the Bama game worries me, but all big games make me feel this way.  I
have watched Bama play 3 times this year, and while they may have won more
impressively, they aren't as great as everyone is making them out to be.
They make mistakes and had to come back from a double digit deficit against
Arky and had to rely on several incredible Arky mistakes to win.  I think we
can score on Bama, the question is can we stop them from scoring.  Ingram
and Richardson are big, fast bruising backs, they can't be arm tackled and
that is a weakness of our team in my opinion.  We seem to have a hard time
wrapping up players and taking them down, they always seem to get that extra
2 or 3 yards after contact.  Add in the mix Julio at WR and we have another
big guy to take down.  I think this will be relatively high scoring for what
are considered 2 great defenses, and will call it at 24-27.


Ken K



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