Thanks, Stephen, Steve, et al,

   I can't really afford season tickets this year, but was thinking
about purchasing some anyway, in part to have a couple extra years
longevity toward upgrading when my children have all finished
college.  Rather than make my own mistakes and gain experience the
hard way, I'll take the wise course of action, and learn from your
experience.  Now, I'll just tell my wife that the humongous TV I want
to buy costs less than the football tickets, and I'll, sadly,
reluctantly, if it makes her happy, give up the football tix if she'll
agree to the TV.  Really, though, after going to NFL, Big East, ACC,
and Conference USA games, there's nothing quite like the feeling of
the Swamp for a big SEC game.  Sort of like sitting in the first few
rows at the end of a straightaway at NASCAR, at a certain volume I
hear with my entire body, not just my ears.
   Oh well, maybe I'll get some big speakers with that new TV.


On Apr 11, 2:12 pm, Steve McKibben <> wrote:
> Stephen Manuel wrote:
> But when the Gators were good and the economy was good, like in 2006-2008, a 
> bunch of Johnny-come-latelys threw down a bunch of money and jumped to the 
> front of the line and long time season tickets were not given enough credit 
> for loyalty, IMO...
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­---------------------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------
> And one of the side effects of the above is that now a lot of the best season 
> tickets are held by less than loyal Gators, and when the Gators struggle, 
> what do they do with those tickets? Sell them to the highest bidder on Ebay, 
> StubHub, etc. resulting in scenes like last year's game against FSU where it 
> looked (and sounded) like there were more semis fans in the stands than Gator 
> fans (which was absolutely a fact by the time the second half rolled around - 
> which is a rant for a different day!)
> Even with both of my boys in school there Leslie and I will probably attend 
> less than half of the home games this year, for a lot of the reasons that 
> Stephen cites.
> Steve Mckibben

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