...and a REPLAY SEC game at that!
 A. Leon Polhill, Gator
"I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did.
I said I didn't know." - Mark Twain 

From: Rob Alexander <ga...@autumnwood.us>
To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Sent: Fri, April 27, 2012 6:00:09 PM
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: [gatornews] Gatornews from the Miami Herald and Palm 
Beach Post courtesy of JunoGator

Fans' pleas for this have fallen on deaf ears for twenty years, and in the end 
all it took was for the SEC to dominate the BCS championship for most of a 
decade. You know the last straw was an all-SEC BCSCG this year. <LMAO> We can 
thank the fine players and coaches in our conference for finally making this 


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On Apr 27, 2012, at 6:49 AM, JunoGator <broadreach...@earthlink.net> wrote:

Four-team playoff in BCS’ works
>Commissioners agreed on a four-team BCS playoff, and are working out the 
>and will seek conference approval.
>It might have taken them a long, long time to get here, but the leaders of 
>college football left South Florida on Thursday in agreement.
>“... it’s time to use the P-word,” Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott declared.
>“P” as in playoffs. Four teams, two semifinals and one championship — that’s 
>what college football is on the verge of having after the 2013 season 
>There are still quite a few details to be hashed out: where will those big 
>will be played, who selects who gets in, and what role the bowls will play in 
>all of it. But as long as the conferences and schools the BCS represent don’t 
>get muddied in the details in the coming weeks, college football will have its 
>own version of a Final Four.
>“This is a seismic change for college football,” BCS executive director Bill 
>Hancock said after the 11 conference commissioners and Notre Dame’s AD wrapped 
>up three days of meetings at the Westin Diplomat Hotel and Resort in Hollywood.
>Hancock said the commissioners will present between two and seven options for 
>four-team playoff to their leagues over the next month or so at conference 
>meetings. But, “it isn’t the number that is significant here,” Southeastern 
>Conference commissioner Mike Slive pointed out. “It’s that we’ve got a model 
>a four-team playoff.”
>After presidents and athletic directors weigh in at spring meetings over the 
>next couple weeks, the league commissioners will then get back together in 
>Chicago on June 20 and try to come up with a final version of a new way to 
>determine a national champion.
>Hancock warned that if no consensus is reached, the fallback would be sticking 
>with an overhauled version of the old system, which aims for a No. 1 vs. No. 2 
>championship game. But that seems like a longshot.
>“It’s great to get to a point where there seems to be general consensus that a 
>four-team, three-game playoff is the best route to go,” said Atlantic Coast 
>Conference Commissioner John Swofford, who along with Slive began pushing for 
>four-team playoff in 2008.
>“I think there could be a lot of disappointment if we’re not able to carry 
>through to the finish line. There’s some level of confidence. But like the old 
>cliché, the devil [is] in the details. And we’ll find out how much devil is 
>One big change that’s already been decided upon: The BCS will do away with the 
>automatic-qualifier signification. The AQ has given top conferences automatic 
>slots in the four existing BCS bowls: the Fiesta (Big 12), Orange (ACC), Rose 
>(Pac-12) and Sugar (SEC). Currently the title game also is played at one of 
>those four sites on a rotating basis.
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>Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
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1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions
2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions
2008 National Football Champions | 
Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us

1996 National Football Champions   |   2006 National Basketball Champions
2006 National Football Champions   |   2007 National Basketball Champions
2008 National Football Champions   |   
Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us

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