Homosexuals ask govt to legalise their rights
New Delhi | July 01, 2004 9:01:16 PM IST
Hundreds of gay and lesbian activists in the capital on Thursday protested against a law, which terms homosexual activity as unnatural and a criminal offence.

Homosexuality is banned in India under a law first framed by British colonialists. It is now practiced under Article 377 of the Indian Penal Code which defines it as carnal acts against the order of nature. Some rights groups have moved the court asking the government to repeal the law saying it is against human rights.

Gay and lesbian rights activists said homosexuals play an important role in the government's drive against AIDS.

"We want that the government should change its statement and realise our human rights. NACO (National Aids Control Organisation) is quiet on this issue and they are a party to it. NACO realises that couples with same sex play an important part in the AIDS programme so they should come forward," said Akshay Khanna, a gay rights activist. Ponny, a lesbian activist added: It is wrong to say that the idea has come from outside and was never there in India. It is not true. I am as much an Indian as I am a bisexual."

Many NGOs have said the AIDS control programme would be hampered if the government does not withdraw the law because homosexuals will not seek screening for the disease or help to combat it.

A recent report of the National Conference on Human Rights and HIV/AIDS says sexual minorities in India are largely stigmatised and disempowered socially, culturally, politically and often legally and economically too. The report claims that there are about 50 million gays in India. Similar estimates for women are more difficult to collect, owing to social and cultural nhibitions.(ANI)

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