Learn To Be A Good Listener

If you wish to grow in the spirit of understanding, you must let the other
person talk and prove his point to his satisfaction. Do not interrupt him,
while he is talking. You know how exasperated you become when someone
interrupts you, while you are trying to prove a point. At committee
meetings, these words have been uttered quite often:- "But let me finish!"

Listen more, talk less. You are made to listen. That is why you have been
given only one mouth and two ears. If we were meant to talk more and listen
less, we would have been given only one ear, right in front, and two mouths
on the two sides. How funny we would look! And, mind you, there is no door
with which to close the ears: they are always open. Before a word can be
spoken, it has to cross two fences - two rows of teeth and two lips.
Therefore, think twice before you talk. Never forget that of the unspoken
word, you are a master, of the spoken  word, you are a slave. Words, once
spoken, cannot be got back.

A villager came to a town, to visit some of his relatives. In villages, till
today, they cleanse their teeth with wooden sticks. When he got up in the
morning, the villager asked for one. They told him that in the cities they
had only toothpaste tubes. The villager had never handled a toothpaste tube.
As he squeezed it, out flowed a foot-long strip of toothpaste. He was taken
aback. "Is there a way to sending the toothpaste back into the tube?" he
asked. They said to him:- "No way! Once the paste has come out, it cannot be
sent in!" Likewise, words which have been spoken cannot be sent in.

Be a good listener. Therefore, listen not only with the ears, but also with
the heart. Better than talking is listening. And better than listening is to
enter the silence within.

The great woman-saint of South India, Avvaiyar, prayed:- "O God, what is
happening to me? I keep on talking and talking, as though there were mouths
all over my body! When shall I cease from doing this? When shall I enter
into the silence within?"

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