... well, a heaven that includes gay bloggers and columnists that is. 
Dan Savage is guest blogging on Andrew Sullivan's blog and I am 
speechless at this combo of a favourite blog and favourite colmnist 
(I don't think though that Dan should return the favour and have 
Sullivan do his sex advice). 

Here's the link to the action and a couple of threads that have 
already come up: 


INTOLERABLE: There's a brilliant op-ed by Irshad Manji in today's NYT 
responding to Tony Blair's moves to deport Islamo-fascist clerics. 
She confronts what so many people seem to view as a contradiction at 
the heart of Western liberalism: Our society, dependent as it is on 
tolerance (of different religions, political points of view, 
ethnicities, and, yes, sexualities), doesn't know how to respond to 
people whose world views are fundamentally intolerant. The money 
quote, as Andrew would put it, is this:

[The] ultimate paradox may be that in order to defend our diversity, 
we'll need to be less tolerant. Or, at the very least, more vigilant. 
And this vigilance demands more than new anti-terror laws. It 
requires asking: What guiding values can most of us live with? Given 
the panoply of ideologies and faiths out there, what filter will 
distill almost everybody's right to free expression? Neither the 
watery word "tolerance" nor the slippery phrase "mutual respect" will 
cut it as a guiding value. Why tolerate violent bigotry?

Manji's op-ed is being praised by the right, as well it should be. It 
deserves praise from everyone with a brain in her head. But Manji's 
call for intolerance to be met with intolerance applies not only to 
Islamic preachers who preach hate and would compel others to live by 
the strictures of their faith. It also applies to American preachers 
who do the same.

When gays and lesbians express disgust or contempt for, say, the Pat 
Robertsons of this world, we're accused of being intolerant—and isn't 
that hypocritical of us? After all, isn't tolerance what we've been 
asking for? How can we refuse to tolerate Pat Robertson?

But as Manji points out, being intolerant of intolerance is not the 
moral equivalent of being intolerant. Violence is always wrong, 
everyone agrees. But there are times when violence is justified. For 
instance, violence is justified in self-defense. Well, being 
intolerant of the intolerant is simply tolerance acting in its own 
self-defense. It is justifiable intolerance.

-posted by Dan

- 3:15:00 PM

WE CAN SEE CLEARLY: Manji, incidentally, is a lesbian and, perhaps 
more controversially, a Canadian. She's also the author of a 
brilliant book: "The Trouble With Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for 
Reform in Her Faith." If you haven't read it, go buy it . It's 
interesting that so many homos—I'm thinking Bruce Bawer, Pym Fortyun, 
Manji, and, yes, Andrew Sullivan—clearly recognize the threat that 
the Islamo-fascists represent. (Or thought, in Fortyun's case.) Too 
bad so many on the American right just can't get over their homo 
hatin' ways. The freedom gays and lesbians enjoy in our societies is 
a credit to the west, and the eloquence of people like Manji, Bawer, 
and Sullivan should be marshaled in defense of our shared values.

-posted by Dan

GET IT ALL OUT:A reader writes…

Hey being intolerant of intolerance sounds like call for a gay run 
government witch hunt on bad people. Hey man, think of it Baptist 
Preachers and Catholic bishops locked up for saying "hateful" things. 
Gee, wouldn't that be a great. Pass a couple laws and jail everybody 
you don't like.

Are you smoking something? Setting up a police state to control all 
thought and speech has been tried in various places and at various 
times and it never works. It is always a bloody mess. 

Better you tell folks you don't like to kiss your ass.

I do tell folks to kiss my ass—all the time. (Hey, Robertson! Kiss my 
gay ass!) But I did not, and would not, call for a gay–run 
government. I mean, please. The only people I know who have a harder 
time living within their means than gay people are, well, 
Republicans. Two years with a gay-run government and we'd have more 
red ink—and shoes—than we do now.

The funny thing about your letter, dear reader, is that you accuse me 
of something religious people are guilty of. It's a common tactic. 
Who recruits? Not the gays. It's always Witnesses and Mormons at my 
door. It's never the gays. When I walk through downtown Seattle I'm 
accosted by Scientologists, not lesbians.

It's the fundies, many of them, who want to lock up gay people, not 
the other way around. For the record: I don't want to lock up 
anybody. (Well, not anybody who doesn't want to be locked up—and even 
then only for a weekend, tops.) I'm happy to live in a world where 
Pat Robertson is free to think I'm going to hell, and free to preach 
as much. I reluctantly battle Robertson because he believes the 
federal government should deprive me, a tax-paying fellow citizen, of 
my civil rights and responsibilities, even jail me, because of who I 

Look, I'm all for free speech, I'm all for persuasion. If Pat 
Robertson can talk me out of being gay then, by God, I'll give it up 
tomorrow. If a "Choose Life" billboard convinces a woman not to have 
an abortion, that's great. The problem with Pat is that he wants to 
compel me to give up being gay, or, failing that, he seeks to deprive 
me of my civil rights because I'm gay. The problem with the anti-
choice movement is that they want the law to impose their beliefs 
about abortion.

Why, I often wonder, can't the religious right extend gay and lesbian 
Americans the same courtesy they extend to, say, adulterers? Or 
shrimp lovers? Yes, the gays are going to hell—it says so right there 
in the bible somewhere. It says we should be put to death along with 
the adulterers and shrimp eaters. But the adulterers and shrimp 
eaters don't come in for the same degree of persecution. No attempts 
to strip them of their civil rights or write them out of the U.S. 
Constitution. And what about the Jews? They're going to hell, along 
with Tom Cruise and his Scientologist pals and Lutherans (if you ask 
the Catholics) and the Catholics (if you ask the Lutherans). So many 
hell-bound sinners—and everyone else gets a pass. Fundamentalist 
Christians seem content merely knowing that everyone else will suffer 
horribly when we're all left behind after they've been—what is it 
again? Ruptured or something? They may attempt to persuade others to 
join them, prior to the rupture, but there's no attempt to actively 
persecute. Anyone else. Just us.

Is it too much to ask for gays and lesbians to be extended the same 
courtesy fundamentalist Christians seem so capable of extending to 
others? It's called tolerance—the theme for the day. I'll tolerate 
Pat Robertson if he'll tolerate me. We don't have to like each other, 
but we do have to share a continent—at least until the rupture.

Blah blah blah—who put a nickel in me? Just getting the gay stuff out 
before the clock strikes 12.

—posted by Dan.



Does EVERY SINGLE one of your entries have to deal with homosexuality?

Gee, I didn't know that Cindy Sheehan and Tony Blair were both gay. 
Does Mrs. Blair know? And, hey, maybe Bush should send Mary Cheney 
out to meet with Sheehan. And I suppose there's something 
intrinsically gay about the Space Shuttle, cell phones, the war in 
Iraq, Wi-Fi, and coffeehouses, but I can't quite figure it out for 
myself. But I'll work on it.

Of course it goes without saying that The National Review is 
basically the Out Magazine of right-wing closet cases. But cell 
phones? I still don't get it...

-posted by Dan.

MORE GAY STUFFING: Andrew gets it, I get it. 

If you're gay and you write for and edit a newspaper that's not gay 
(like I do), or a blog that's not necessarily devoted to gay issues, 
anytime you mention gay stuff you get grief. Folks scream that gay 
stuff is all you (or your paper) ever write/writes about. Folks say 
this even when the evidence that it's not true is literally staring 
them in the face. They're reading the blog, they're have the paper in 
their hands—how can they say it's 100% gay?

I'll admit, however, that my posts during my stint as guest blogger 
have been, up to now, gayer than Richard Simmons sitting on Tucker 
Carlson's lap. But you know what? Our culture is pretty heavy on the 
gay stuff. (And, I'm sorry, but Rosie O'Donnell going into Fiddler? 
How could I refrain from commenting on that?) There are really two 
wars going on right now: The War on Terror (or the "Global Struggle 
Against Violent Extremism" or "Not So Many Car Bombs as the MSM Would 
Have You Believe" or "The Mission Accomplished Any Day Now" or 
whatever it is we're calling it today) and the War on Gay Stuff. Or 
maybe I should say the War Over Gay Stuff.

Straight writers have a hard enough time avoiding gay issues, let 
alone gay writers. And it's hard to sit on the sidelines, or let some 
insult or injustice pass, when you feel like you're being attacked. 
And trust me… I would adore having the luxury to avoid gay issues 
for, oh, ten or twenty years. But if straight writers can't, how can 

—posted by Dan

JUDGE NOT: Take for instance the latest news about SCOTUS-bound John 
Roberts. Guess what? A conservative group is yanking its support for 
Roberts and calling on Bush to withdraw his name. Why? Because 
Roberts, as everyone by now knows, did a little pro-bono work (sounds 
dirty) for gay groups in the mid-90s. Pull down the websites, alert 
Lou Sheldon, off with Robert's so-recently-lionized head.

I don't know Jesse J. Holland, the reporter who wrote the story up 
for the AP, but I'm guessing he's straight. Most men are. And yet 
there he is, writing about gay stuff. Why? Because he has no choice, 
and neither do I. Neither does Andrew. But I'll bet you no one 
screams "Enough, Jesse!" when he files his gay stories. Gay issues 
are big news in America just now and they can't be avoided. Not by 
me, not by the AP, not by Judge Roberts, not Lou Sheldon. (Check out 
Lou's website—there's more gay stuff there than Andrew could ever 
hope to pack on to his website.)

A lot of people who don't like gay people—those who don't approve, or 
think Jesus hates us more than he hates, say, adulterers or people 
who support the death penalty (I expect Jesus, if he exists, has a 
real issue with supporters of the death penalty)—say they're just 
sick of hearing about it/us. They just wish we'd shut up and go away. 
Well, that's not going to happen. We're not going to go away, and 
it's unlikely that we'll ever shut up. But want to know how we could 
cut the number of headlines and AP stories and blog entries written 
about gays and lesbians by at least 90%? Let us have our rights. 
There will be a lot less debate after we're fully enfranchised 
citizens, I promise you. Until that time comes—and it will come—
there's going to be a lot to say about gay stuff, unfortunately.

—posted by Dan

BUT NOT TOMORROW: But tell you what... 

As an experiment I will attempt to blog away the day tomorrow without 
once mentioning gay stuff. Someone wrote in and asked me to write 
about my "other passions," and that's exactly what I intend to do. 
Can I do it? Can I rise above, as Ralph Nader once put it, gonadal 
politics? Tune in tomorrow to find out.

—posted by Dan

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