I did not say that gays should have multiple choices while bi men should not. I have no business to tell anyone how many people of either gender or sex they should sleep with. My limited point was to not cheat anyone in the process.
And no, I am not the only one not cheating his gay partner - you shall be pleasantly surprised to find that there are simply many people who cheat and many people who dont cheat (meaning they either have an open relationship or they do not sleep elsewhere). And that has nothing to do with whom they like to have sex with - men or women or both.
Thus, I do not have a problem if Sumeet married a girl after telling her that he intended to continue to sleep around with other men  / women / dogs / worms / whatever, and secured her agreement.


Android Angel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 05:31:51 +0000 (GMT)
From: Android Angel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gb role clarity !!

Thanks Salil, for your sharing your viewpoints.
I think everyone has his own mindset. Here I mean I do not go by what people say to me whether I cheat on my wife or not. B'coz that is one (faith) which you think is base for marriage. I don't think so. You should carry ur self and respect ur partner's way of carrying him/her. Believe it or not everyone has his own idol in mind while having sex with anyone. So if you think of ur partner only while having intercourse, then only u r 100% loyal.(This is my opinion) Most of the things are clear now. As I do not agree on all points mentioned by Sumeet as well as you. My opinion on two major points by you and Sumeet as below.
1. Sumeet wrote : Gays have to marry due to family pressure.
I write : Then I do not support him on this. They should marry if they feel to not b'coz of family pressure. Reason being if you are not having mindset and do not match physically for female, it ingnites complications. After succumbing to family pressure if you marry, I say you should not run away in such situation, but face it if you do it by force. Definitely there is no remedy for spouse agony in such cases. As men failed to reciprocate, she is clear victim. So avoid it if you can't stand for.
2. Salil wrote  : You should not marry if you like men or someone said you have no place on this group if you are BI.
I write : How does that matter. Is this group only meant for sexual orientation or making contacts. I don't think so, as I found this is one of the best group I came across so far for exchanging opinions on various topics in day to day life. I know it revolves aroung homosexuality most of the times. But then those who have spines for carrying marriage with female, there is no reason to stop having it. Now the main objection is about reliability with spouse. That's what I am talking about it is again person to person. That's what Sumeet was also intended to convey in his mail. It is not as easy as ur frend could do before marriage for everyone. B'coz the basic difference is everyone is having different mindset. Also you said leaving spouse with baby, ur another frend sleeps around town. That could be with him only. That echos with men sleeping with other women leaving his spouse with baby for staright guys. Now that's cheating that's what you say. I could hardly find a gay who is not looking for another male even after marriage with one male. There are gays who change their partners oftenly. So if you are gay you have multiple choics after marriage with another gay as well. Why not Bi can have that if they can carry themselves better on both fronts.It's presumed or understood that only gays can have multiple choices.
I hope this will clear my views on what Sumeet and Salil written in their first mails

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