Yes, Sumeet, I respect the tradition of marriage. It provides an anchor to life, makes the man familial, creates stability in society, and creates a mutual support system in old age. So now that we agree on all this, will you join me in wanting that gay marriage be allowed in india so that I can marry my partner soon enough ? He and I have waited for some years now, and it looks like this "society" which respects the tradition of marriage, doesn't want me to participate in that tradition just because I love a man and not a woman. Will you wish me an early marriage or none at all ? I am sure I and my partner will have a marriage that covers all the good points you mentioned about marriage.
By the way, what happens if you tell your wife that you have been having sex with other men, and assuming she is financially independent, she separates from you, meets another man and gets remarried in the next 3 months ? You are the one who will hear nasty and hurtful comments from "society", not she. So whom are you really protecting by keeping your mouth shut - yourself or your wife ?
You have said that in earlier days gay men were happy getting married, so what has changed now - how do you know that they were happy - who told you ? I say they were not happy but miserable - how do you know either way ?

Sumeet Mehra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Marriage is a world-wide accepted tradition. People from different community may not agree on any other matters, but everyone agrees on the tradition to marry. This acceptance is not of few years ago but of many centuries ago. Since then there were people liking sex with same gender. But they all use to marry. Yes they were not treated indifferent, adhura or as gud/gay.
Then suddenly what has made a change? They lived their part of life very well in those days. Then why not now? What is striking your heavens? They were never told that they could not marry a female and have their own family.
The true and real reason of marriage is infact getting lost. Guys don’t know the meaning of marriage. Marriage is an anchor, it does not let you stray. By changing the meaning of marriage, you guys will ruin the face of the world.
Marriage makes a man responsible because he is family oriented. But guys who don not want to marry, how would they understand the importance of marriage?
Some guys even say that one should not hide their likes for guys to his wife. But do they know that some things are good till they are in closet.
All types of Truth is not for everyone. Some matter become more bitter if told and could ruin the life. By no means one can call this cheating because it’s not to harms anyone’s happiness. I care for their happiness so I hide it. If at all I disclose it and if she accepts it, then the anchor will be gone. Its human tendency, we become shameless when accepted.
So guys grow up. How can one think only for his own benefits? How can one overlook the harm that can be caused to the society/world that we live in?
Someone here told once that we get one life to live. So we need to live for our happiness. Then where do we differentiate ourselves from animals?
Even animals live for themselves. They open their mouth and the food is gulped down in their stomach. But humans have hands, they collect it and share it with their family. Family, often heard word, but mostly ignored by certain guys in this list. Now even you guys will be in need to change the meaning of family.
I read a mail of one guy, don know his name. He stated that the day his bf allows him to go for adoption he will adopt a child. I think he is still in his fantasies. He does not know the legal proceedings of adoption. Alice Please come out of your wonderland! He thinks the orphanage people are waiting for him. The day he will arrive and it will be their pleasure to hand him a child. He does not know that even Miss Universe crowned Sushmits Sen was dragged to the court. Probably one more issue to fight for “gay rights to adopt a child”. I think this is the only the way left out to make difference. I think that we are simply getting loud to gain public attention and sympathy.

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