Financial goals: 8 questions you must answer



Amar Pandit


One of the movies that I recently saw had an interesting dialogue "Reel life
main, aapko bahut takes milenge, par real life main sirf ek take". This was
Akshay Kumar trying to charm Aishwarya Rai in the film Khaki.


This dialogue is as relevant to our investing world as it is to several
other aspects of our life.

The key to success for any investor is to make as few mistakes as possible.
This article will not show you how to pick the best fund or the best stock
because there is no silver bullet. 

However what we attempt to cover in this article are some broad guidelines
that one must understand. 

It is perhaps more important to ignore the stock market experts of today
than what Aristotle did several thousand years ago refuting the 'world is
flat' experts.

I don't think it matters whether the earth is flat or round but what matters
individually for most of us is the ability to go to work every morning, meet
deadlines, educate our kids, grow in our careers and contribute our bit to
the society. 

And somewhere in our busy schedule and life is the task of making smart and
informed choices about one's money. 

And it does seem tough to make informed choices with a plethora of options,
products, tax laws, market volatility and no time to study or understand the
personal finance space. 

And on top of that there is the information overload from product companies,
newspapers, magazines and the internet. 

The information overload can be extremely overwhelming at times. It can take
away your focus from the critical but important decisions about your
financial goals.

That's why it's important to focus a little on key principles of financial

The success of any activity including investment strategy depends on how you
focus on the right things and ignore things that do not matter.

*       Role of a <>
financial planner: Optimise or maximise returns? 

Let us take a few conversations that we hear on business channels quite
frequently these days.

1st Conversation

Commentator: What do you think of the next level of the market?

Technical Expert: If the market goes below 4,100, then it will go down to
3,900 and find support at that level. Or if the market closes above 4,200
today, then it might go to 4,350 and find resistance there.

Commentator: Thank you so much for your insight?

Now what insight did this convey to you and how is it important for
achieving your financial goals.

2nd Conversation

Commentator: What do you think of the next level of the market?

Technical Expert: If the market goes below 4,100, then it will go down to
3,900 and find support at that level or if the market closes above 4,200
today, then it might go to 4,350 and find resistance there.

Commentator: Thanks so much for your insight?

Investor: I have bought shares of company X for Rs1,200 .I am afraid that
the price might go down further. What should I do now?

Expert: Well, I recommend that you book some profits (sell a part of the
shares you own) or stay invested in this stock if you believe this stock
will do well in the future. 

This is a promising stock and I have seen significant buying and this stock
has the potential to go up. 

Scenario 1: The stock price goes up and the investor is very happy with the
advice he received. 


Scenario 2: The stock price goes down, the investor panics, sells his shares
at a loss. 'This expert as well as this channel is crap' is the investor's


*       Why stock tips <>
are dangerous  

Interestingly, there is no lesson we learn from this episode and we lap up
similar kind of ad hoc advice in future as well and commit a similar mistake
again a few months later.

The fact of the matter is no one has seen the future and analysts and
experts can at best give you educated opinion or pure guesses. The media
presenting these answers like facts further compounds the confusion of

Why don't these technical analysts or market gurus don't eat their own

When they give their mandatory disclosures at the end of the show they say,
"Well, I have no exposure in the stock". 

(Any analyst expressing her/his views on any stock/s on television or
writing for newspapers has to inform the viewers/readers if s/he or her/his
company owns the stock or has advised their clients to buy or sell the
stock/s discussed; this is called as a disclosure and has been made
mandatory by the market regulator the Securities and Exchange Board of
India, SEBI).

If the stocks were so lucrative, why are people busy giving stock tips
rather than buying it. If you knew for sure that the share of company A is
going to double in the next few months, what would you do? 

I am sure majority would beg, borrow or steal to get a piece of it. But what
does the person in question do here "goes on television and tells everyone
how to do it but himself stays out of it". 

What should one then focus on? One should focus on trying to find answers to
the questions mentioned below. It is only these answers that will help you
achieve your financial goals.

Here are the 8 Key Questions you must ask yourself

*       How much should I save to achieve my financial goals? 
*       What returns do I need to earn on my investments? 
*       How much should I allocate to equity, debt, real estate, cash, gold
and art? 
*       How often should I change my allocation to stocks, bonds and cash? 
*       How much insurance should I have? 
*       What are the risks that my family and me are exposed to? 
*       How should I maximise my post tax returns rather than investing for
the sake of minimising taxes? 
*       How would my wealth be transferred to my wife, children, parents or
any of my nominee should something happen to me? 


Getting the answers to the above is the key solution to your financial
needs. I am sure each one of you will have a different answer to the
questions posed above.

*       Financial help <>
for married couples 

The decision of identifying the vehicles (stocks, insurance, mutual fund,
real estate, gold etc) comes next. 

F. Scott Fitzgerald once said "Genius is the ability to put into effect what
is in your mind" and this principle is as true today as it was ages ago.

Amar Pandit is a certified financial planner and runs the Mumbai-based firm
<> My Financial Advisor. 












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