India's gays tiptoe anonymously into the limelight

Amelia Gentleman in New Delhi
Sunday May 27, 2007
The Observer <>,,2088991,00.html


Shrenik uses only one name to avoid being clearly identified. The young film
director has chosen not to invite relatives or friends from home to attend
the premiere of his film Lost and Found tonight in Delhi. He hopes his
parents never see it. 

This short black-and-white comedy focuses on two men on a crowded bus as
they begin, covertly, to flirt, perspiring in the 42C heat, jolted about in
the thick traffic.

His is one of half a dozen new films on being gay in India, which will be
shown this week as part of the country's first gay arts festival, an event
that marks a cautious edging towards the mainstream of a long-oppressed

'Such an event would have been unthinkable even five years ago,' Gautam
Bhan, one of the organisers of the QueerFest, said. 

But the occasion has none of the self-assurance of gay pride movements in
Europe and the US. Promotional material for the festival made it clear
photographers and broadcasters would not be permitted to attend, to protect
the identities of those there. 

Shrenik's ambivalence about the publicity for his film is revealing. 'I'd be
scared to show it to my family; my parents certainly wouldn't understand
it,' he said at Friday's opening night. 

In the enclosed bubbles of urban India, homosexuality is no longer much of a
taboo. 'The privileged in India are able to evade almost any law they want
to,' Bhan said. But beyond the cities, adherence to concepts of traditional
family structures makes it hard to be openly gay. 

'You risk being thrown out of your home and losing your job. In a country
which has no social security safety net, that's a big deal,' Sunil Gupta,
curator of a photography exhibition mounted for the festival, said. 

The festival's organisers hope to gather wider public support for a
slow-moving campaign to persuade the government to decriminalise
homosexuality, but they remain nervous about the potential risks involved in
mounting such an event. Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code prohibits sex
between members of the same sex, bracketing it together with sex with
animals and paedophilia as an 'unnatural' offence, punishable with up to 10
years' imprisonment. 

The law is rarely enforced, but its presence on the statute books
legitimises discrimination, and police harassment of gay men is widespread.
Theoretically the festival's organisers run the risk of prosecution for
'conspiracy to promote homosexuality'. They said the occasion had so far
evaded the attentions of right-wing militant groups simply because the word
'queer' was not widely understood in India.




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