Coming Out To Mom by Umang <> 


 Gosh! I wanted to tell this to my mom so badly. My god! today these words
come out so easily and a few years back it seemed so impossible. I have
visualized telling this to my mom and her reactions - over hundred times in
my mind. And I really underestimated her. Because I had solid reasons for
that. My mom is a very conventional middle class Gujarati women. Who hardly
speaks a few words in English and understands little bit. She has just
passed SSC. She has never read a magazine or a newspaper as far as I know.
But she loves to watch TV. She has a few friends and a very limited exposure
to the outside world. Family is everything to her. And that's not all.
Everyday is a challenge for her. She is schizophrenic and has glaucoma.
Which means her I Q is less than average and can only see with one eye -
only 20%. '

I came out 5 yrs back to my brother, Uncle, Aunt, two cousins. And my dad
(indirectly - my aunt and uncle spilled the beans). They took me to a shrink
who advised that nothing could be done if I willingly don't want to change.
So my close family (except my mom and grandpa) no longer asked me to get
married. Well occasionally they would get jhatkas (u try with a girl, after
marriage everything will be okay, look at your mom and for her get married,
blah, blah.). But that was out of love and concern and it didn't bother me.
What bothered me really was the fact that my mom wasn't aware of my
sexuality. Others knew but my own mom was ignorant. It really hurt me
-because her ultimate dream is marrying me to a girl. Day and night she
talked about my marriage. I guess she never sang a lullaby it was always a
wedding lore. So occasionally I would pretend to read the newspaper and give
her the news: two guys got married in New York. Two girls are in love in
Delhi etc. And she would laugh it out. (I was preparing her for the ultimate


My biggest fear was that my mom will get a big shock and go into depression
- if I came out to her. . And God forbid, if something happens to her I
would be responsible. My family would grill me down. I was advised not to
come out to my mom - considering her physical and mental condition. It was a
battle between fact and dream. The facts hit me in the face: mom is
schizophrenic, has glaucoma, will never understand me. She may get a mental
attack or shock. She may cry for years and blame herself. She may also go
into a major depression, which could be serious. HOWEVER I also have a
burning desire and a beautiful dream. Dream to get married to a guy. A grand
wedding where my mom can fulfil all her dreams and wishes she expects from
my straight wedding. She could dance, jump and sing her entire quota of
wedding lore. There will be the usual hangama of a guju wedding. EVERYTHING


So I had a choice to decide between fact and dream. I had an option to never
come out to my mom and kill my dreams or to come out to her and face the
consequences. I decided to go for the latter. And I am so glad I did that.
One evening, knowing that relatives at dinner will raise my marriage issue,
I don't know why but I told her those dreaded words: Mummy mani chokriyo
nathi gumti. I don't like girls. I like boys. I am attracted to guys.
Initially she thought I was joking and later she said it's all hogwash.
Something like that is not possible. I said I was dead serious. She refused
to discuss the topic with me. She advised I should meet her shrink. I
readily agreed. In the next fortnight she told me twice to visit the shrink.
Third time when she insisted I understood that my mom was serious about the
visit. My friends advised I should check with the shrink weather he is pro
or anti gay. For me the most important matter was that my mom trusts him and
is very comfortable with him. 


I did not care weather he's pro or anti. It was a big risk but I was
prepared for it. Driving to the clinic I was very nervous: What if the
shrink happens to be a quack and recommends therapy. What if he claims he
could "cure" me? My mom would innocently believe him and make my life a hell
- hoping that I could be changed with the shrink's "treatment". The first
thing the shrink asked me was why I came out to my mom. And I replied I
wanted to get married to a guy (God only knows where the guy is going to
come from) and I wanted my mom to be present. The shrink turned out to be
really professional (thank god). He explained that there are guys and girls
like me who are attracted to the same sex and not to the opposite sex. It's
completely natural and nobody's fault. Further, he added that when he was
pursuing medicine he came across many peers like me. He explained I wouldn't
be able to sexually perform with the opposite sex and if got married would
end up in a divorce. He explained that we don't have any right to spoil a
girl's life. IF married I would be unhappy and therefore everybody else. So
the best thing is to leave me alone. If she forced me than I would end up
torturing myself. So she was to please leave Umang alone.


 Further he explained to her that at least I came out to her and that proved
I was a responsible son. Besides my sexual preference, everything else was
fine - I didn't have any vices. There were cases where a girl felt she was
trapped in a man's body and vice-versa. They wanted to have a sex change and
were physically assaulting themselves. Fortunately I didn't feel that way.
He actually said the words: ACCEPT HIM. MY mom only had three questions
after his explanation: Q1) How can we change him? Doc: Only god can change
him Q2) When I am no more who will take care of him? Doc: His to-be male
spouse Q3) If he gets married and brings home a guy what will people think?
Doc: Don't worry he will live separately After that there were no questions
or queries. A long discussion on what will people would think followed. The
Dr told her the popular parable of the donkey, old man and boy. Doctor and
MOM discussed spirituality, karma and Bhagwat Gita.


 Back home there were no tantrums. No sadhu or family doctor. No emotional
blackmail. However on the same day when I was dancing at Mikanos she was
crying buckets. She told me about it later on the way to temple when I asked
if she would now ever ask me to get married. She said no and also won't
bother about what people say. The other day I mustered the courage to tell
her to find a guy for me - she laughed. Next I asked her to check if the
brother of the girl whose proposal has come wants to marry me. She smiled
again. Today I feel so relived. I don't have to lie. I can be myself with
her. Yesterday I told her I am going to watch a gay movie and meet people
like me. When I reached home the first thing she asked me how was the movie.
I thought I was hearing things so I kept quiet. After some time she again
inquired about the movie and I was so thrilled. In her own way she said it
all; I have accepted you. I really underestimated my mom. I have met a few
moms of homosexuals and had this notion that only modern, well read,
well-educated women would accept their children. MY mom broke my notion.
Today I look back and believe that whatever has happened because I focused
on my dreams rather than the facts. At GB meets I joked about my mom finding
a guy for me. I ignored the facts and spoke about the dreams: IF YOU HAVE A
DREAM THE FACTS DON'T COUNT. I know my coming out story is not unique but
for me it's a dream come true. Today for me my mom is a hero. She has
changed my world and now it is time to give her the world. Once I had told
her that except a daughter-in-law I will give you everything. Now it's the
time to fulfil that promise. Because She is a mom who killed her dreams to
keep mine alive. Love Umang.





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