November 13, 2007

  Gays should be hanged, says Iranian minister        Dominic Kennedy   

  Homosexuals deserve to be executed or tortured and possibly both, an Iranian 
leader told British MPs during a private meeting at a peace conference, The 
Times has learnt. 
  Mohsen Yahyavi is the highest-ranked politician to admit that Iran believes 
in the death penalty for homosexuality after a spate of reports that gay youths 
were being hanged. 
  President Ahmadinejad, questioned by students in New York two months ago 
about the executions, dodged the issue by suggesting that there were no gays in 
his country. 
  Britain regularly challenges Iran about its gay hangings, stonings and 
executions of adulterers and perceived moral criminals, Foreign and 
Commonwealth Office (FCO) papers show. 
  The latest row involves a woman hanged this June in the town of Gorgan after 
becoming pregnant by her brother. He was absolved after expressing his remorse. 
Britain said that this demonstrated the unequal treatment of men and women in 
law and breached Iran’s pledge to restrict the death penalty to the most 
serious crimes. 
  A series of reported executions of gays, including two underage boys whose 
public hanging was posted on the internet, has alarmed human rights 
  The Pet Shop Boys dedicated Fundamental, their Grammy-nominated album, to 
Mahmoud Asqari and Ayad Marhouni, who were hanged in Justice Square in Mashhad 
in 2005. Graphic photographs of the execution of the youths, who were under 18 
when arrested, were released by the Iranian Students News Agency. 
  Gay rights groups in Britain, such as Outrage!, accuse Iran of cloaking 
executions for homosexuality with bogus charges for more serious crimes. 
  Under the Freedom of Information Act, the FCO released papers to The Times 
about the death penalty being used in Iran for homosexuality, adultery and sex 
outside marriage. 
  Minutes taken by an official describe a meeting between British and Iranian 
MPs at the Inter-Parliamentary Union, a peace body, in May. When the Britons 
raised the hangings of Asqari and Marhouni, the leader of the Iranian 
delegation, Mr Yahyavi, a member of his parliament’s energy committee, was 
unflinching. He “explained that according to Islam gays and lesbianism were not 
permitted”, the record states. “He said that if homosexual activity is in 
private there is no problem, but those in overt activity should be executed [he 
initially said tortured but changed it to executed]. He argued that 
homosexuality is against human nature and that humans are here to reproduce. 
Homosexuals do not reproduce.” 
  Nicole Pichet, a researcher who also took notes of the gathering, told The 
Times that the discussion began with British MPs discussing the underage gay 
hangings. Mr Yahyavi responded by saying homosexuality was to blame for a lot 
of diseases such as Aids. 
  Ann Clwyd, the Labour MP and head of Britain’s delegation, said yesterday: 
“It is of great concern that these attitudes persist and we made it clear what 
we felt.” 
  Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen and 
Nigeria apply the death penalty for homosexuality, according to the 
International Lesbian and Gay Association. 
  Sharia’s victims
  — Homosexuals Farbod Mostaar and Ahmad Chooka sentenced to death. Iran said 
Chooka had kidnapped, knifed and raped a student 
  — A woman called Soghra was sentenced to stoning for adultery and being an 
accomplice to her husband’s murder 
  — Two men executed in public after being found guilty of a homosexual 
relationship. A newspaper said they were convicted of sodomy, rape and 
  — Zhila Izadi, 13, sentenced to stoning after becoming pregnant with her 
brother’s child 
  — Malek Ghorbany sentenced to stoning for adultery 
  — Leila Qomi sentenced to stoning for adultery and assisting a man who killed 
her husband. He received 100 lashes 
  — Jafar Kiana stoned for adultery. His female lover Mokarrameh Ebrahimi 
sentenced to the same fate 
  Source: Foreign and Commonwealth Office documents released under Freedom of 
Information Act 
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    Why aren't so-called civilized countries like the United Kingdom and the 
USA not standing up when it concerns gay people who are hanged, tortured and 
maimed in countries that are so-called friends of these countries? 

Pakistan, Egypt and other countries get hundreds of millions of support from 
these countries, but meanwhile trample all possible right of gay people! 

When does the hypocrisies of fi the UK and the USA stop? 
  Adrian Masters, Amsterdam, 
  The Jewish/ Christian Old Testament is of the same opinion as far as gay men 
are concerned ! Interestingly enough, there is no mention of Lesbians at all 
(Moses most likely didn`t know what they were), and I doubt if the Koran 
mentions them either. 
The question , however, remains....why should I be prepared to `respect´ 
religions that adhere to such barbarism ?
  John, Berlin, Germany

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