Hey Raj

I actually have the opposite situation. I masturbate/have sex when I get a 
headache - and feel so elevated....its like a high. But it could be bodily 
weakness, not a sexual issue. You may be generally weak due to eating 
inadequately - that an act like this causes you to feel drained or manifest 
into a headache. Could also be a migraine which gets triggered due to the 
exertion leading upto your masturbation act. 

Go meet your physician.....get real advise. But pretty much sure its aint 
serious or atleast not a sex problem. So happy masturbating darling....

love Aneil

raj raju <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               
  If there are any doctors around, I need to know...after every 
ejaculation(during sex or masturbation), it triggers an acute headache...is 
this normal?if not, why does this happen and whats the remedy?

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