
iconimgNovember 4, 2006 

Purva Mehra, Hindustan Times

%20Ram%20Sene%20may%20attack%20homosexuals%20next'>  Author

February 13, 2009

First Published: 19:09 IST(13/2/2009)

Last Updated: 20:55 IST(13/2/2009)


Am I too well dressed? Will they blackmail me? Will I be outed to many other
people? These were thoughts that raced through Hemant Shah's mind on a
November evening in 2007, as he got ready for his first social meeting with
fellow homosexuals. 

Fifteen months on, Shah remembers every minute detail of the meet, down to
the folds of his black trousers. "If courage hadn't prevailed over my
apprehensions, I would have never met Rohan (Hinduja)," remembers Shah,
adding, "The first thing I noticed was his fluffy curly hair." 
Constant eye contact and casual flirting followed. Soon love was in the air.

The 22-year-old medical student and the 18-year-old media student have been
dating over a year and are preparing for their second Valentine's Day. While
for Shah everyday is Valentine's, Hinduja feels certain that this year too
will be a special occasion. "Last Valentine's, he made me a book in which he
expressed his want to spend his life with me," smiles Hinduja.

Nurtured by endless conversations on Tata Indicom handsets, theirs is a
relationship that qualifies as long distance. "We speak everyday but meet
only on weekends.
Super cool mom
As far as the approval of family is concerned, Hinduja's mother was very
supportive. In fact, "it was she who suggested we switch to a more
affordable phone deal because of the huge bills we were running up," says
Shah whose own mother has not come to terms with his orientation. 

Mrs Hinduja, on her part, had quickly abandoned dreams of her son marrying a
pretty, Indian girl. Says her son, "All gay men should have a mother like
mine." All praises for his mother, Hinduja says, "I was aware of my
sexuality very early but she has been incredible. Not only has she accepted
me but has also sparked off a wonderful relationship with Hemant."
Age no bar

Journalist Vishal Damani and lawyer Ajay Kher have long moved past coming
out to mothers and getting coerced into marriage. They are hurtling fast
toward their 10-year anniversary this March. "We really love each other,"
says 28-year-old Kher. "I was insecure in the relationship when we started
off, but no longer. We have plenty of disagreements but just as many common
interests." And after 10 years, Kher says Damani continues to be the most
interesting person he knows.
Older of the two, Damani, a journalist, was 31 and reluctant when he met
Kher. "He was too young. I had deep reservations about that so I kept
withdrawing from the relationship," recalls Damani. He adds, "Ajay was the
one who kept pursuing me over coffee and dinner and now we're at 10." 

The couple has been through a lot. Together, they have braved a 13-year age
gap, dealt with a lack of intimate spaces in the city, and both are actively
involved in fighting to repeal Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (that
criminalises homosexuality).
"We're still fighting the basic laws. Only married couples in the city can
avail of joint housing loans. Lots of same sex couples want to live
together. But our concern is that if one partner passes away then there's no
guarantee the other partner can claim the home," says Damani. 

Comfortably in love, anniversaries and celebrations don't figure in this
couple's life. "Valentines has becomes a very political day. I am afraid
that the Rama Sene may attack homosexuals next."
A memorable Valentines, recalls Kher, was some years ago when "Vishal and I
visited colleges outside Mumbai and spoke to the youth about our sexuality."
Kher elaborates, "We talked to them about a different kind of love." It was
a simple message but went a long way. "In a country where they object to
inter-caste, inter-religious and same sex relationships, it is important to
have a day that recognises love."


C Copyright 2007 Hindustan Times




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