Now I feel like I should have come for this. When will be the next the GB
parents meet?


On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 12:24 AM, Aaditya ! <aaditya2...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

> Hey,
> Putting out the disclaimers first : This is not a report-report but a
> feedback  - and hence, not particularly comprehensive in terms of covering
> what happened at the meet. It is essentially what ONE of the attendees took
> back from the first parents meet that he attended. And I am writing this
> simply because I loved it.
> On a personal note, despite being physically unwell, I wanted to be there
> because I had never attended a parents meet in the past - as also for my
> sister who I recently came out to and who wanted to see people 'like me' and
> their parents. The fact that my sister was to meet my boyfriend's mom for
> the first time was definitely an added bonus.
> Listening to the parents speak so pro-the cause was interesting and
> encouraging. As Umang rightly put it, I did visualize my parents sitting
> there. Aham's coming-out-to-the-househelp was very cute - so was the
> question about attending a marriage as a couple. The topics ranged from
> short-lived relationships to first-responses-to-a-gay-son's-coming-out.It
> was interesting.to hear the different perspectives that the parents had. I
> also personally feel that Mr. Desai made a strong point. The lawyer's
> elaboration on the status of the 377-related case added an interesting
> dimension to the discussion.
> The movie made an interesting watch. It was well-made and the filmmaker
> very beautifully narrated their vision behind making the movie. It was also
> interesting to hear him add the baba-psychiatrist elaboration. The movie was
> good but predictable for me but not for my sister who sobbed away on our way
> back home thinking about it. I think this clearly explains that the movie
> had made its point.
> And yes, my sister smiled and held my hand (and did all the things a sister
> would do in a Bollywood gay film about a sister and a gay brother) when
> someone's sister talked about her gay brother and that she was extremely
> supportive of him.
> That's about it. I had a very good time. A heartfelt thanks to everyone who
> made the event possible.
> Regards,
> Aaditya
> *if you can read this.... thank a teacher*

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