Hi everyone 
I thought if thei and think that this might makes our life easy if we  want to 
find who is a gay among the crowd in the local train.....
i guess that we all have bluetooth in our mobiles.......
let all name it to  BOMBAY DOST
so when anyone of us searches and he gets this simply he should write a note 
send via bluetooth  

everything like where eactly is he standing wat clothes is he wearing
something like this
25 near door blue and black vasai
so the other one would understand that he is 25 yrs of age standing near door 
and wearing  blue shirt and would get down at vasai
the only thing is we need to change our buletooth device name to BOMBAY DOST
if u think this might work and bring some enjoyment for us pls act
also plz keep the name as BOMBAY DOST only.
so each one of us would enjoy


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