The Opposite of “Protection”: A Fetish for Used

By Jesse Bering | August 12, 2013 |

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condoms is a good thing. Using *used* condoms, well, not so much. In a 2009
article published in *Sexually Transmitted Infections*, the British medical
author Vincent Tremayne explains the fetish for
Now, not all manifestations are particularly problematic. “For someone with
a condom fetish,” Tremayne explains, “this might mean gaining pleasure from
[merely] looking at pictures or videos portraying people ingesting or
masturbating with used condoms. Others,” however:

*… might [actively] search for discarded condoms to masturbate in or to
ingest the**contents. Some men “condom hunt” in areas where people have
public sex, **such as car parks or wooded areas. Used condoms are also
purchased online.*

And that’s where the dangers begin to mount. Although many fetishists
believe these practices are risk-free—assuming that any microorganisms
responsible for STIs cannot possibly survive outside of the human
body—that’s not entirely true. Tremayne points out, in fact, that several
nasty disease specimens can remain virulent for an extended period without
a warm-blooded, living host.

For example, here’s a good reason to use those disposable sanitary
toilet-rim barriers in public bathrooms. In 1999, a researcher discovered
that, out of a random sample of 50 public
5 of them (10 percent) tested positive for at least one very much alive,
and very much unwelcome, genital immigrant. These included ambassadors from
several diverse species, from the relatively innocuous*Ureaplasma
urealyticum* and *Mycoplasma hominis *(both of which are thought to be
largely harmless and present in most sexually active people) to the
downright unpleasant *Chlamydia trachomatis*.

And in his efforts to raise awareness about the STI-related dangers of
“masturbating, ingesting, or inserting [the contents of used condoms] into
the anus,” Tremayne also relates to us the following tale about a sailor’s
gonorrhea and the unlikely culprit that infected
him<> with
this dreadful affliction:

*A fishing vessel skipper presented with urethral discharge having been at
sea **for two months before the symptoms. There were no women onboard and
he **had no sexual contact with the crew … Hesitantly, [he] told that he
went to his **engineer’s cabin and, on finding an inflatable doll, he had
sexual intercourse **with it. The engineer was** found to have gonorrhea.*

Although only artificial laboratory studies involving heavy concentrations
of the virus have demonstrated this effect, a 1986 experiment by Lionel
Resnick <> and his colleagues
showed that HIV could survive for up to three days in a room-temperature
aqueous environment. Such a hospitable climate for this agent of despair,
of course, is not altogether dissimilar to those it would encounter in a
recently used condom that’s been left to bathe in the sun on the side of a
road, or while doing time in a knotted Trojan as it jets off to a
fetishist’s doorstep, courtesy of the U.S. Postal Service.

So just how common is this desire for used condoms? Well, Tremayne’s
exceedingly brief article on the subject is the only published report I
could find on this interesting paraphilia, so it’s hard to say. There’s at
least one NSFW website——devoted to aficionados,
helping arrange for members to exchange their used condoms. And a quick
Google perusal shows that the subject pops up frequently enough on adult
discussion forums regarding turn-ons and kinks.

Some women covet their male partner’s seminal fluid for sexual
gratification purposes (or pharmacological
But a used condom fetish may be a distinctively male phenomenon. For
obvious reasons, it’s also a gay male fetish. In any event, bringing
awareness to the health-related risks of this practice outweighs any
negative attention or awkwardness entailed by discussing it so openly.
Whether you view a use

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