Election special - LGBT community rocks with stunning victories, NOM suffers 

Last night's elections was a massive success for the lgbt community while at 
the same time a disaster for folks who oppose lgbt equality. Let's take a few 
look a some news briefs illustrating this:

Victory Fund celebrates big wins for LGBT candidates - The Victory Fund breaks 
down all of our successes from last night.

 Gay Rights Victories Pile Up In 2013 - A nice overview of the year in general. 
If this keeps up, Time magazine should give the lgbt community the "Person of 
the Year" award.

 Mayor Annise Parker wins re-election to third, final term - One gay mayor wins 
her re-election.

 Seattle gets first gay mayor: Ed Murray - While Seattle elects its first 
openly gay mayor.

Illinois lawmakers vote to allow gay marriages - And let's not forget that 
yesterday, Illinois made it number 15. Hopefully Hawaii will be 16. I wonder 
how Peter LaBarbera is holding up to the news that he now lives in a marriage 
equality state.

NOM living out one horrible week (and it’s only Wednesday) -MEANWHILE, Jeremy 
Hooper breaks it down as to why the National Organization for Marriage lost has 
already lost the week. And as he says, "it's only Wednesday."

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