Were the models male or female?

On Thursday, 27 February 2014 11:53 AM, Tintin Mumbai India 
<tintin197...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Hello Friends
>Yesterday, as a photographer, I had my first professional photoshoot.
>It was nothing obscene, erotic, or a shoot with gay angle.
>TO be on safe side, I have signed an MoU with the models, that I am doing this 
>shoot for learning purpose, with no monetary benefits from the shoot, and that 
>I will use the pictures taken on my blog, showing my work portfolio, and that 
>I will share a smaller version of the pictures with them, and that I am paying 
>an XYZ amount to the models as their wedges.
>As I have said before, I have not clicked any obscene / illegal pictures, I 
>would like to ask your opinion if I still need to worry on this matter?
>Thanks w/ Regards
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