> > So have the community concerns and suggestions that have already been
> > offered been considered in detail, or should be repeat them when Draft 8
> > appears?
> Simon,
> At the risk of repeating Doug, every piece of community feedback has been
> considered in detail. Of course, that is not the same thing as saying that
> every piece of feedback has been incorporated.
> The bottleneck here is Oracle's legal review process. I know that the Oracle
> folks are pushing it through as hard as they can, but it does appear that
> they are vastly under-resourced on the legal side. Everyone working on this
> shares the frustrations expressed on this list about how long it's taking.
> Especially because we think we've actually done some pretty good work on the
> bylaws.


It might help the contributors be more patient if they understood why it helps 
the OpenJDK community to wait for this.  Neither the minutes from the board 
meeting nor the ensuing discussion in the last twelve hours really explain why 
waiting indefinitely is better than letting OpenJDK 8 get started now.

Put another way, what bad things might happen if it starts now?


Mark Ludwig

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