// This is a call for votes from Members of the Governing Board.
// If you aren’t a Member of the Governing Board, please don’t vote.

The annual nomination and voting process for At-Large Members of the
Governing Board is underway [1].  In order to satisfy the Bylaws, the
election of At-Large Members must be complete by 1 April [2].  The
present schedule meets that goal.

Only OpenJDK Members [3] may vote in this election.  Andrew Hughes has
suggested [4] that the voting period be delayed by one week, so that
votes on nominations of new OpenJDK Members that were prompted by the
announcement of the At-Large nomination period may complete prior to
the At-Large voting period.  This would allow any new such OpenJDK
Members to participate in the At-Large vote.

If we choose to delay the At-Large voting period then the term for
At-Large Members will, this year, start on 8 April rather than 1 April.

To avoid this issue in future years we’ll start the At-Large nomination
period one week earlier, so that there’s a one-week gap between the end
of the nomination period and the start of the voting period.

MOTION: Delay this year’s voting period for At-Large Members of the
        Governing Board by one week, to start on Tuesday, 24 March.

Votes by Governing Board Members on this motion are due in one week, by
23:00 UTC on Friday, 13 March.  This decision will be made by Simple
Majority [5].  Votes must be cast in the open by replying on this
mailing list.

- Mark

[1] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/announce/2020-March/000281.html
[2] https://openjdk.java.net/bylaws#at-large-members
[3] https://openjdk.java.net/bylaws#openjdk-member
[4] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/discuss/2020-March/005295.html
[5] https://openjdk.java.net/bylaws#simple-majority

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