------- Comment #26 from baldrick at free dot fr  2007-02-23 16:01 -------
Subject: Re:  VRP fails to eliminate range checks in Ada code

> Of course in this case I would have expected VRP or whatever to optimize away
>      if not To'Valid then
>          raise Constraint_Error;
>      end if;
> but it looks it is now an unconditional
>      raise Constraint_Error;

Some of the other tests are showing similar behaviour.

> btw - I failed to manually re-build a file from the rts, what do I need to do
> this? (I tried with -gnatpg but that just complains in different ways than
> without -gnatpg)

What does it complain about with -gnatpg?  Without it, it probably complains
that you are not allowed to compile children of package Ada, or something like



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