Under Mac OS X Leopard using the prepackaged gfortran binaries from 12/31/2007,
any fortran program emits a duplicate dylib warning when linked.  This is with
the Leopard version of XCode (3.0).

$ cat test2.f
        program test2
        write (*,*) 'hello'
$ gfortran test2.f 
ld: warning, duplicate dylib /usr/local/gfortran/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
$ a.out
$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.3.0 20071231 (experimental) [trunk revision 131236]
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

           Summary: duplicate libgcc_s.1.dylib warning on Mac OS X Leopard
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.3.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: fortran
        AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org
        ReportedBy: dojo at masterleep dot com


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