------- Comment #12 from sascha-web-gcc dot gnu dot org at silbe dot org  
2009-05-10 21:21 -------
"Geode by NSC" seems to be the "original" Geode series developed by National
Semiconductor. According to Wikipedia [1], AMD bought the Geode "business",
released the original design as "GX series" as well as a GX-derived "LX series"
and an Athlon-derived "NX series".

My guess is that GX and LX lack ffreep, but NX does support it (because it's
derived from the Athlon core). Unfortunately, unlike the LX series datasheet,
the NX series one doesn't include an instruction listing, so I cannot verify
this assumption.

PS: -march=geode seems to be working fine (no SIGILL so far), thanks!

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geode_(processor)



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