------- Comment #3 from john at quivinco dot com  2010-08-06 20:48 -------
I just read this...

TDM-GCC has been built to allow the use of GCC's "-fopenmp" option for
generating parallel code as specified by the OpenMP API. (See
<http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libgomp/> for details.) If you want to use
OpenMP in your programs, be sure to install the "openmp" optional package.

The OpenMP support in the TDM-GCC builds has received very little testing; if
you find build or packaging problems, please send a bug report (see BUGS

LibGOMP, GCC's implementation of OpenMP, currently only supports the use of the
POSIX Threads (pthreads) api for implementing its threading model. Because the
MinGW project itself doesn't distribute a pthreads implementation, the
"pthreads-win32" library, available from http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/,
is included in this distribution. If you aren't familiar with pthreads-win32,
please read the file "pthreads-win32-README" for more information, or the
documentation available at the website referenced above. pthreads-win32 is
distributed under the terms of the LGPL; see "COPYING.lib-gcc-tdm.txt" for

In order to correctly compile code that utilizes OpenMP/libGOMP, you need to
the "-fopenmp" option at compile time AND link time. By default, this will link
the standard C-cleanup DLL version of pthreads-win32 to your program, which
means that you will need to ensure that the file "pthreadGC2.dll" (included in
the "bin" subdirectory in the openmp package) can be found by your program. If
you plan to distribute a program that relies on pthreads-win32, be sure to
understand and comply with the terms of the LGPL (see COPYING.lib-gcc-tdm.txt).

"libpthread.a" is included in the "lib" subdirectory of the openmp package
with two other pthreads library files:
 - "libpthreadGC2-static.a" provides a static version of the pthreads-win32
     library, but it requires some additional non-POSIX-compliant startup code
     to be included in your program. See "pthreads-win32-README" for
 - "libpthreadGCE2.a" provides a version of the pthreads-win32 library with
     a somewhat safer response in the face of unexpected C++ exceptions.
     The creators of the pthreads-win32 library recommend, however, that this
     version not be used, because code written to rely on this is less

Anyone tried this or know where to get pthreadGC2.dll?



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