------- Comment #10 from dominiq at lps dot ens dot fr  2010-09-02 14:49 -------
The tests in the different comments seem to pass since some time. 
The behavior of the derived test

module m                                                                        
type st                                                                         
  integer , allocatable :: c1
end type st
type t1
  type(st), allocatable :: b1
end type t1
end module m

use m
type(t1) :: a1, aa1(:)
allocatable :: a1, aa1

if(allocated(a1)) call abort()
if(allocated(aa1)) call abort()

print *, 'now allocate'

allocate(a1, a1%b1, a1%b1%c1)
print *, allocated(a1), allocated(a1%b1), allocated(a1%b1%c1)
a1%b1%c1 = 1
print *, a1%b1%c1
print *, allocated(a1), allocated(a1%b1), allocated(a1%b1%c1)

has changed with r163744. Before one got

[macbook] f90/bug% a.out
 now allocate
Segmentation fault

Now I get:

[macbook] f90/bug% a.out
 now allocate
 T T T
 T T F
At line 25 of file pr42647_1_pass_1_red_1.f90
Fortran runtime error: Attempt to DEALLOCATE unallocated 'a1'



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