--- Comment #8 from Mikael Pettersson <mikpe at it dot> 2012-02-29 
13:18:52 UTC ---
(In reply to comment #7)
> gdb) disassemble 0x000000000053e800,+32
> Dump of assembler code from 0x53e800 to 0x53e820:
>    0x000000000053e800 <tzload+3040>:    movdqu -0x40(%rcx),%xmm0
>    0x000000000053e805 <tzload+3045>:    prefetcht0 0x190(%rcx)
>    0x000000000053e80c <tzload+3052>:    mov    %rcx,%r10
> => 0x000000000053e80f <tzload+3055>:    prefetchw 0x1d0(%rdi)
>    0x000000000053e816 <tzload+3062>:    add    $0x4,%esi
>    0x000000000053e819 <tzload+3065>:    movaps %xmm0,(%rdi)
>    0x000000000053e81c <tzload+3068>:    movdqu -0x30(%rcx),%xmm0
> End of assembler dump.
> (gdb)

prefetchw is an AMD 3dnow! instruction, I'm not surprised it SIGILLs on your
Intel Netburst/P4 based machine.

Please ensure you're not using any compilation flags that imply the presence of
an AMD processor.

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