--- Comment #6 from Walter Spector <w6ws at earthlink dot net> 2012-02-29 
15:58:10 UTC ---

If you are interested, I tried the patch you posted on the email list to a
freshly checked out trunk.  After building the compiler, I tried the following
small test case:

module mpi_interface
  implicit none

  interface mpi_send
    subroutine MPI_Send (buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm, ierr)
      type(*), intent(in) :: buf(:)
      integer, intent(in) :: count
      integer, intent(in) :: datatype
      integer, intent(in) :: dest
      integer, intent(in) :: tag
      integer, intent(in) :: comm
      integer, intent(out):: ierr
    end subroutine
  end interface

end module

The compiler gave the following error:


end module
Internal Error at (1):
gfc_code2string(): Bad code

If I change the 'buf(:)' to 'buf(*)' I get the same error.

Hope this helps,


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