--- Comment #3 from Troy <gcc at gyw dot com> 2012-09-25 09:13:34 UTC ---

I think more to the point, and a better mnemonic, is to say that "there are no

references in C++." What is called a reference in C++ is really just a

rename/alias for the variable. To reiterate my point, if assignment to a

"reference" is equivalent to assigning to the original variable, then we are

talking a rename operation similar to a C macro, not the creation of a new

"reference object." Sadly, I found out that I had fallen into the same trap

before as well, just forgot about it. So clearly there is need for a mnemonic.

Maybe not for people who only use C++, but for the rest of us who have to use

multiple languages, including variants of C++ such as C++/CLI, the word

"reference" in the C++ context really stinks. It is one of the Norman doors (UX

term) of C++, as it keeps making people push the wrong side of the door time

and again.

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