--- Comment #8 from Steve Kargl <sgk at troutmask dot> 
2012-10-17 19:21:22 UTC ---

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 06:51:08PM +0000, burnus at gcc dot wrote:


> > The Standard does not define 'incremented' and

> > 'incrementation', and in particular, these words

> > are not defined in terms of the numeric intrinsic

> > operations and so you cannot appeal to Section 7.


> I disagree. One can surely read something differently, but I think it is very

> difficult to have a reading which makes both sense in terms of the English

> language ("increment" = "the action or process of increasing especially in

> quantity or value : enlargement"; source: Marriam-Webster) and the common

> understanding how programs behave.


> For instance, for


>   do i = 2, 5, 1

>     print *, i

>   end do


> The standard has: "The DO variable, if any, is incremented by the value of the

> incrementation parameter m3."


> In my reading of the standard, the program will print 2, 3, 4, 5 and after the

> loop i has the value 6. That matches in my understanding "i = i + 1" where m3

> == 1; thus, I fail to see why Section shouldn't apply in this case.


> Can you come up with a (somewhat sensible) different interpretation which 
> still

> allows the program of comment 0?


As I point out in c.l.f, the incrementataion process is

not defined by the standard.  While certainly, one would

assume that this process is i = i + m3 and so Section 7

rules apply.  The incrementation process could be done

in some other manner such as


   j = int(i,8) + m3

   if (j < int(huge(i),8) + 1) then

      i = j


      i = - huge(i) - 1 + m3 ! Assume wrap around semantics

   end if                    ! Preventing a possible hardware trap

or the incrementation process could be implemented via

bit-wise shift, and, and [x]or.  With bit manipulations

none of the numeric intrinsic operations are used, so

section 7 does not apply.

> (I concur that the invalidity of the program when m2 ==

> huge(integer-do-variable) is a bit surprising at a glance,

> but that doesn't make the program valid. I also concur that

> one could have written the standard differently such that

> the program becomes valid.)

The standard simply should have stated that the incrementation

process follows the rules of 

As I said I don't care enough about the PR to 

re-open it.  In any event, gfortran should 

probably issue a warning if m2=huge(i) and

m3 > 0.

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