--- Comment #6 from Jonathan Wakely <redi at gcc dot> 2012-10-28 
12:54:01 UTC ---

I think the reason this doesn't show up everywhere is due to a problem with

older versions of GDB.  Using GDB I get this in the

test logs:

48362.gdb:5: Error in sourced command file:^M

No symbol "t1" in current context.^M

skipping: 48362.gdb:5: Error in sourced command file:^M

skipping: No symbol "t1" in current context.^M

UNSUPPORTED: libstdc++-prettyprinters/

and I've had the same problem running gdb myself, with gdb saying "No symbol x

in current context" for all local variables, when they clearly do exist!

I also see GDB 7.3 completely confused about the type of std::string:

Temporary breakpoint 1, main () at

6         std::string s1 = "string 1";

(gdb) n

7         std::string s2 = "string 2";

(gdb) p s1

$1 = {i = {1431655765, -1077586603}, x = -0.16666666666666666}

(gdb) ptype s1

type = const union {

    int4 i[2];

    double x;



Using GDB from the git mirror or upgrading to rawhide's

makes the problem go away and now I see the FAILs when running

libstdc++-prettyprinters.exp (which I'm fixing now)

This only happens for code built with trunk, so there seems to be some problem

with trunk and GDB 7.3 - any ideas?

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