--- Comment #17 from Jack Howarth <howarth at nitro dot> 2013-01-18 
22:15:37 UTC ---

A walk from f1 in the statically linked a.C testcase looks like...

(gdb) b f1

Breakpoint 1 at 0x100001764: file a.C, line 2.

(gdb) disp/i $pc

(gdb) r

Starting program: /Users/howarth/new_eh_bug/a.out 

Reading symbols for shared libraries +............................. done

Breakpoint 1, 0x0000000100001764 in f1 () at a.C:2

2    throw 1;

1: x/i $pc  0x100001764 <f1+4>:    mov    $0x4,%edi

(gdb) si

0x0000000100001769    2    throw 1;

1: x/i $pc  0x100001769 <f1+9>:    callq  0x10000a680



__cxa_allocate_exception (thrown_size=4) at


102    {

1: x/i $pc  0x10000a680 <__cxa_allocate_exception>:    push   %rbp


105      thrown_size += sizeof (__cxa_refcounted_exception);

1: x/i $pc  0x10000a681 <__cxa_allocate_exception+1>:    lea    0x80(%rdi),%rbp


102    {

1: x/i $pc  0x10000a688 <__cxa_allocate_exception+8>:    push   %rbx


106      ret = malloc (thrown_size);

1: x/i $pc  0x10000a689 <__cxa_allocate_exception+9>:    mov    %rbp,%rdi


102    {

1: x/i $pc  0x10000a68c <__cxa_allocate_exception+12>:    sub    $0x8,%rsp


106      ret = malloc (thrown_size);

1: x/i $pc  0x10000a690 <__cxa_allocate_exception+16>:    callq  0x10001f960



0x000000010001f960 in dyld_stub_malloc ()

1: x/i $pc  0x10001f960 <dyld_stub_malloc>:    jmpq   *0xc7aa(%rip)        #



0x000000010001fad0 in dyld_stub___cxa_tm_cleanup ()

1: x/i $pc  0x10001fad0:    pushq  $0x1d3


0x000000010001fad5 in dyld_stub___cxa_tm_cleanup ()

1: x/i $pc  0x10001fad5:    jmpq   0x10001f9f8


0x000000010001f9f8 in dyld_stub___cxa_tm_cleanup ()

1: x/i $pc  0x10001f9f8:    lea    0xc661(%rip),%r11        # 0x10002c060


0x000000010001f9ff in dyld_stub___cxa_tm_cleanup ()

1: x/i $pc  0x10001f9ff:    push   %r11


0x000000010001fa01 in dyld_stub___cxa_tm_cleanup ()

1: x/i $pc  0x10001fa01:    jmpq   *0xc651(%rip)        # 0x10002c058


0x00007fff847c9878 in dyld_stub_binder ()

1: x/i $pc  0x7fff847c9878 <dyld_stub_binder>:    push   %rbp


0x00007fff847c9879 in dyld_stub_binder ()

1: x/i $pc  0x7fff847c9879 <dyld_stub_binder+1>:    mov    %rsp,%rbp


0x00007fff847c987c in dyld_stub_binder ()

1: x/i $pc  0x7fff847c987c <dyld_stub_binder+4>:    sub    $0xc0,%rsp


0x00007fff847c9883 in dyld_stub_binder ()

1: x/i $pc  0x7fff847c9883 <dyld_stub_binder+11>:    mov    %rdi,(%rsp)


0x00007fff847c9887 in dyld_stub_binder ()

1: x/i $pc  0x7fff847c9887 <dyld_stub_binder+15>:    mov    %rsi,0x8(%rsp)


0x00007fff847c988c in dyld_stub_binder ()

1: x/i $pc  0x7fff847c988c <dyld_stub_binder+20>:    mov    %rdx,0x10(%rsp)


0x00007fff847c9891 in dyld_stub_binder ()

1: x/i $pc  0x7fff847c9891 <dyld_stub_binder+25>:    mov    %rcx,0x18(%rsp)


0x00007fff847c9896 in dyld_stub_binder ()

1: x/i $pc  0x7fff847c9896 <dyld_stub_binder+30>:    mov    %r8,0x20(%rsp)


0x00007fff847c989b in dyld_stub_binder ()

1: x/i $pc  0x7fff847c989b <dyld_stub_binder+35>:    mov    %r9,0x28(%rsp)


0x00007fff847c98a0 in dyld_stub_binder ()

1: x/i $pc  0x7fff847c98a0 <dyld_stub_binder+40>:    mov    %rax,0x30(%rsp)


0x00007fff847c98a5 in misaligned_stack_error_entering_dyld_stub_binder ()

1: x/i $pc  0x7fff847c98a5 <misaligned_stack_error_entering_dyld_stub_binder>: 

  movdqa %xmm0,0x40(%rsp)

The testcase passes at -m32 which makes me wonder if libitm is honoring

darwin's requirements of a 128 stackboundary at -m64.

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