--- Comment #5 from François Dumont <fdumont at gcc dot> ---
The biggest performance regression introduced in version 4.8 is coming from an
attempt to enhance unordered containers global performances. The data model has
been modified because the erase operation had become very expensive in some
situations since the Standard requires it to return the iterator following the
erased one. To do so we moved from a vector<forward_list> like data model to a
combination of vector<forward_list::iterator> for buckets and a single
forward_list for elements. In the former model when erasing an element we
needed to look for the next non-empty bucket potentially looping through a lot
of empty ones resulting in very bad performances. In the new model all elements
are linked to the next one and the access is direct.

The drawback is that when looking for an element you need to get its bucket and
then loop on the bucket element. In the former model the loop end condition was
the forward_list::end(). In the new model you need to compute the next element
bucket to check that you can stop because you moved to another bucket. This
explains the additional divq instruction and the performance hint.

Of course your bench is isolating the main drawback of the new data model.
There are benches in libstdc++ testsuite/performance that compares tr1 and std
implementations and globally std ones are better even if you can already see
the performance hint you are reporting here. So we chose to move from a data
model very good on some use cases but very bad on some others to a data model
good in all situations but not very good anymore in your use case.

I agree however that your use case is quite important and the only way I can
think of to restore its performance would be to introduce a concept of empty
node in the data model so that we detect end of bucket without relying on a
divq instruction. The drawback will be a memory overhead, one bool per node to
flag empty/non-empty node and an additional empty node per non empty bucket.
This is perhaps more acceptable for such a container which purpose is not to be
memory efficient but rather performance efficient.

The performance hint of version 4.9 comes from C++11 allocator conformity. I
will avoid details but for exception safety reasons I had to correctly manage
an unordered container instance having no bucket allocated. In this case the
number of bucket is 0 and doing a 'hash code % 0' operation is bad so I had to
introduce some checks on the bucket number at the beginning of some methods
like the find one. It explains the additional testq operation which is I fear
unavoidable for a Standard conforming implementation.

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