--- Comment #6 from Bernd Edlinger <bernd.edlinger at hotmail dot de> ---

could it be that the Finalize procedure is missing some sort of spin lock?

ed@w-ed:~/gnu/gcc-build/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c7/c761007$ cat

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

with TCTouch;
package body C761007_0 is

  procedure Finalize( I : in out Internal ) is
    Previous_Side_Effect : Boolean := False;
    -- look to see if this character has been finalized yet
    for SEI in 1..Side_Effect_Finger loop
      Previous_Side_Effect := Previous_Side_Effect
                              or Side_Effect(Side_Effect_Finger) = I.Effect;
    end loop;

    delay 0.01; -- <= additional delay here

    -- if not, then tack it on to the string, and touch the character
    if not Previous_Side_Effect then
      Side_Effect_Finger := Side_Effect_Finger +1;
      Side_Effect(Side_Effect_Finger) := I.Effect;
    end if;

  end Finalize;

end C761007_0;
ed@w-ed:~/gnu/gcc-build/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c7/c761007$ ./c761007 

,.,. C761007 ACATS 2.5 14-02-06 10:05:45
---- C761007 Check that if a finalize procedure invoked by a transfer of
                control or selection of a terminate alternative attempts
                to propagate an exception, the exception is ignored, but
                any other finalizations due to be performed are
   * C761007 Asynchronously aborted operation Expecting: GHIJ Got:
**** C761007 FAILED ****************************.

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