--- Comment #1 from Joel Yliluoma <bisqwit at iki dot fi> ---
Interestingly enough, only if you add the term "constexpr" to the array
declaration, you get an actually meaningful error message:

constexpr const char* table7[10] = {};          
template<unsigned size, const char*const (&table)[size]> void test7() { }
void tester7() { test7<10,table7>(); } 

Produces: error: 'table7' is not a valid template argument for type 'const
char* const (&)[10]' because object 'table7' has not external linkage
 void tester7() { test7<10,table7>(); } 

The problem is that this very setting (non external linkage object as template
argument) should be allowed by C++11 -- the same standard that also gives us

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