--- Comment #12 from e2cd58e1 at opayq dot com ---
Sorry but I still have a problem with this, maybe I didn't get what you are
saying or I wasn't clear enough.  

Suppose I cannot change the C-wrapper and the locale might be set to whatever.
The file bug.dat already exists and uses point decimals. So I want a fortran
routine that always reads in a file in the usual point separated format. 

If in the fortran routine I call

    open(unit=1,file='bug.dat', decimal="point")

I expect the keyword to be more important than the locale setting: I explicitly
specify to read point separated values, but in the example below, it still
returns 1.00000 instead of 1.2345. Is that really expected behavior?

----------------- bug.c --------------
#include <stdlib.h>     /* strtod */
#include <locale.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  

int badcall_();  
int main() 
        setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE.UTF-8");  
        return 0;  
----------------- bug.dat --------------
----------------- bugf.f90 --------------
subroutine badcall()  
  implicit none  
  double precision :: res
  read(1,*) res
  write(*,*) 'res =', res
end subroutine badcall

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