--- Comment #14 from David Abdurachmanov <david.abdurachmanov at gmail dot com> 
I hit another two cases of this.

1. g2root tool, which converts GEANT geometry to ROOT geometry. It create a
single function, which contains lots of descriptions of material, shapes, etc.
all describing some 3D objects and physical properties. These can be very huge.

Also could think of MILL computing as possible example. They use C++ as they
assembler (at least for simulation). Thus you have something like:

void somefunc(void) {
  add(b0, b1);
  add(b2, b3);

IIRC, by compiling it they generate a simulator to run this program on specific

2. mcfm 6.3 package, to be precise: mcfm-6.3/src/WW/triangle11new.f

triangle11new.s: Assembler messages:
triangle11new.s:587: Error: pc-relative load offset out of range
triangle11new.s:592: Error: pc-relative load offset out of range

   587         ldr     x0, .LC2
   588         fmov    d0, x2
   589         fmov    d1, x0
   590         fdiv    d0, d0, d1
   591         fmov    x2, d0
   592         ldr     x0, .LC2

346645 .LC2:
346646         .word   0
346647         .word   1073741824
346648         .align  3

Distance between ldr instruction and .LC2 is 346058 assembly lines.

Here is the source file: (just
1355 sloc).

It's those huge computations, which are killing it. Similar issue as in
OpenLoops package.

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