--- Comment #21 from David Malcolm <dmalcolm at gcc dot> ---
One other issue is that column numbering is rather a mess right now.  From my
rich-location patch:

/* Both gcc and emacs number source *lines* starting at 1, but
   they have differing conventions for *columns*.

   GCC uses a 1-based convention for source columns,
   whereas Emacs's M-x column-number-mode uses a 0-based convention.

   For example, an error in the initial, left-hand
   column of source line 3 is reported by GCC as:

      some-file.c:3:1: error: ...etc...

   On navigating to the location of that error in Emacs
   (e.g. via "next-error"),
   the locus is reported in the Mode Line
   (assuming M-x column-number-mode) as:

     some-file.c   10%   (3, 0)

   i.e. "3:1:" in GCC corresponds to "(3, 0)" in Emacs.  */

Our "column numbers" are also simply a byte-count, I believe, so a tab
character is treated by us as simply an increment of 1 right now.

I guess this is a separate issue though.

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